Shamblehurst Primary School, located in Hedge End, Southampton, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on February 28 and March 1, 2023. The school embodies its motto, Together we can, which is reflected in its core values of pride, respect, curiosity, and courage. These values are evident in the interactions among pupils, who demonstrate mutual respect and engage positively during play and lessons. The school has established three key rules: being ready, safe, and respectful, which pupils understand and follow, contributing to a safe and supportive environment. Incidents of bullying are infrequent, and pupils feel confident that staff will address any issues promptly.
Pupils take pride in representing their school through various activities, including sports tournaments and roles such as eco-warriors and members of the pupil voice group. The school has implemented a well-structured curriculum that provides enriching experiences beyond the classroom. Pupils enthusiastically share their learning from trips and visits, showcasing their engagement with diverse concepts and themes.
The curriculum is designed to support pupils from early years through to key stage one, ensuring they acquire essential knowledge and skills. Leaders have identified the knowledge that pupils should learn across most subjects, and teachers deliver this content clearly. They assess pupils' understanding through questioning and retrieval activities, allowing for adjustments in teaching when necessary. However, in some subjects, the precise knowledge to be covered has not been fully defined, which can hinder pupils' learning in those areas.
The school demonstrates high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Teachers make thoughtful adaptations to support these pupils, and leaders have established clear strategies to ensure their needs are well understood. The implementation of a phonics scheme has been successful, enabling pupils to learn to read effectively. There is a consistent approach to teaching early reading, with regular checks to ensure pupils grasp the intended sounds. When challenges arise, targeted support is provided to help pupils keep pace with their peers. A culture of reading has been fostered, with pupils expressing enthusiasm for the books they read and access to a variety of reading materials.
Behavior management is another strength of the school, with a clear policy that all staff understand and implement. This has resulted in a calm and purposeful learning environment. Pupils are aware of the importance of the school rules and the consequences of not adhering to them. Positive relationships among staff and pupils contribute to a respectful atmosphere, and any prejudicial behavior is addressed promptly.
Pupils appreciate the range of experiences offered, including trips and various clubs that cater to different interests. The curriculum also emphasizes health education, covering both physical and mental well-being. As pupils progress, they develop an understanding of tolerance and equality, with older students learning about significant social issues.
The safeguarding arrangements at Shamblehurst Primary School are effective, with a dedicated safeguarding team that prioritizes the well-being of pupils. Staff are regularly updated on safeguarding practices, and pupils are aware of whom to approach with concerns. They learn about safety in both online and real-world contexts.
While the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement, particularly in refining the curriculum in certain foundation subjects to ensure that pupils retain subject-specific knowledge. Overall, Shamblehurst Primary School continues to provide a supportive and enriching educational experience for its pupils.