Following the short inspection of The Butts Primary School on 19 June 2019, it has been confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good standard of education. The leadership team demonstrates a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement, with comprehensive improvement plans in place. These plans include specific success criteria that hold leaders accountable at all levels. The outcomes for pupils are consistently above average, and the leadership remains ambitious in striving for the best possible results for all students.
Teachers and staff are dedicated to addressing the individual needs of each pupil, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment. They take the time to understand pupils' interests and aptitudes, contributing to a positive school community where students thrive. Pupils express high levels of satisfaction with their school experience, appreciating the numerous learning opportunities available to them. They feel heard and supported by staff, who are attentive to their concerns. The behavior of pupils is commendable, with a strong work ethic and positive attitudes towards learning evident in their well-presented work.
Parental feedback is overwhelmingly positive, with many parents recommending the school and noting their children's happiness and good behavior. Parents appreciate the staff's efforts to know pupils well and instill good manners. Teachers possess strong subject knowledge, enabling them to set high expectations and engage pupils in deep thinking. They clearly explain new concepts and ensure understanding before progressing. The investment in training teaching assistants has also proven beneficial, as they help pupils develop independence and resilience in their learning.
The school has made progress in embedding assessment systems, allowing teachers to confidently track pupil progress and identify next steps in learning. The assessment system has evolved to meet the school's needs, providing a clear picture of pupil progress and enabling ambitious target setting. Improvements in mathematics teaching have led to outcomes that align with reading standards, although further work is needed to enhance writing achievement, particularly in reaching greater depth standards.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with all staff trained to recognize and report concerns. Pupils feel safe and trust adults to address any issues that arise. The school promotes understanding of bullying and online safety, ensuring pupils are aware of potential risks and how to stay safe.
The inspection findings highlighted the need to enhance writing standards across the school, as fewer pupils achieve higher standards in writing compared to reading and mathematics. New teaching approaches in writing are positively impacting pupil outcomes, and there is a consistent approach to writing instruction. However, more opportunities are needed for pupils to understand the diverse cultures represented in modern Britain.
Subject leaders are well-informed about their areas and ensure effective teaching and coverage in the curriculum. They receive training to monitor pupil achievement and provide guidance for improvement. The school has also made strides in supporting disadvantaged pupils, who are making good progress and achieving well. Leaders understand the barriers these pupils face and take effective action to address them.
Next steps for the school include embedding recent improvements in writing instruction to increase the number of pupils achieving greater depth standards and providing more opportunities for pupils to learn about diverse communities beyond their local area. The overall inspection reflects a school that is committed to continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils.