Following the short inspection of Scantabout Primary School on 5 February 2019, it has been confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good standard of education. The leadership team has effectively upheld the quality of education since the last inspection in March 2015. The school community, including staff and pupils, actively works towards the motto of achieving their best together. A culture of respect and value for every individual has been established, allowing for targeted support for pupils and their families. The learning environment is safe and stimulating, fostering positive relationships between pupils and adults. Pupils express enjoyment in their school experience, feeling happy and secure.
The headteacher, since January 2017, has shown diligent leadership, particularly focusing on improving teaching standards in reading, writing, and mathematics. This focus has resulted in significant progress for pupils between key stage one and key stage two, although there remains a need for further improvement in outcomes for boys. Staff working parties have been set up to enhance the wider curriculum, although more work is needed to create clear learning sequences that cater to all pupils' needs.
The governing body has undergone restructuring, with clear roles and responsibilities established. Governors actively monitor the school development plan and engage with pupils to understand their experiences. Training provided by the local authority has empowered governors to hold the leadership accountable effectively. The school development plan is sharply focused on improvement areas identified in the previous inspection, with termly reviews facilitating progress monitoring.
Safeguarding measures are robust, with detailed records maintained and regular reviews conducted by governors. The leadership team emphasizes that safeguarding is a collective responsibility, and pupils report feeling safe, with bullying being rare. Staff receive ongoing training in safeguarding, and there is a strong partnership with external agencies when necessary.
The inspection findings indicate that teaching has improved since the last inspection, with systematic checks on pupil progress and effective feedback mechanisms in place. Subject leaders have supported the development of detailed learning journeys, particularly in English and mathematics, leading to improved outcomes in reading. The curriculum is broad and balanced, providing diverse learning opportunities, including music and STEM activities. Personal development is prioritized, with a focus on spiritual, moral, social, and cultural growth.
While the school has made commendable progress, there are areas for further development. Leaders are encouraged to enhance the sequence of learning in the wider curriculum to better meet the needs of all learners and to accelerate the progress of boys in reading and writing. Overall, the school demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils, ensuring they are well-prepared for their future educational journeys.