Norwood Primary and PreSchool in Eastleigh, Hampshire, was inspected on September 24 and 25, 2024. The inspection revealed that the quality of education requires improvement, while behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision were rated as good. The school has a strong family ethos, creating a happy and caring environment where pupils feel safe and supported. They demonstrate positive attitudes towards learning and are respectful towards one another, regardless of their backgrounds. However, the curriculum is currently underdeveloped, leading to inconsistencies in pupils' knowledge across different subjects. While some pupils achieve well, others, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, do not reach their full potential due to gaps in their learning. The school is aware of these issues and is taking steps to address them.
Pupils at Norwood take pride in their roles, such as Young Ambassadors, and actively participate in school life. They understand fundamental British values and respect the views of others. The school has implemented a phonics scheme that has been effective for many pupils, but those struggling with phonics have not received sufficient support to catch up. Additionally, older pupils lack a well-structured reading and writing curriculum, resulting in lower outcomes at the end of key stages one and two.
In the wider curriculum, essential knowledge and skills are not sequenced effectively, hindering the building of prior learning and making it difficult for teachers to assess pupil progress accurately. Despite these challenges, the school has made progress in subjects like mathematics, science, and art, where the curriculum is more effective, allowing pupils to develop their knowledge and skills successfully. The school provides specific support for disadvantaged pupils, including those with SEND, but some adaptations are not as effective as they could be, leading to disengagement among some students.
The early years provision is strong, with a well-thought-out curriculum and a vibrant learning environment. Children are encouraged to play cooperatively and learn the school's rules and routines. The positive behaviour of pupils is evident throughout the school, with polite and respectful interactions observed during break times and lunch. Attendance rates are secure, and the school effectively supports families when attendance issues arise.
Norwood Primary places a strong emphasis on personal development, with older pupils taking leadership roles in various councils. The school has a good understanding of its community and welcomes all families. Parents appreciate the care and attention their children receive from staff. Recent changes in leadership have revitalized the school, leading to a review of various aspects of school life, particularly the curriculum. The staff is enthusiastic about the school's future and is working closely with the local authority to improve provision.
The governing body effectively carries out its statutory duties, ensuring that safeguarding processes are in place. However, there is room for improvement in how governors challenge and support the school regarding the quality of education. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring that pupils' welfare is prioritized. To improve, the school must develop a more coherent and ambitious curriculum, ensuring that all subjects are well-sequenced and implemented. Additionally, staff training must be enhanced to better support pupils with SEND, ensuring they remain engaged and achieve their potential.