Lee-on-the-Solent Junior School, located in a small seaside town in Hampshire, has shown significant improvement since its previous inspection, moving from a grade of Requires Improvement to Good. The inspection conducted on November 23 and 24, 2021, highlighted the positive environment in which pupils thrive. The school fosters a culture where students are eager to learn and engage with one another, supported by caring adults who create a welcoming atmosphere. The leadership team has established clear expectations for behavior, resulting in a calm and safe learning environment. The introduction of the school’s six SAILS badges has motivated pupils to adhere to the school’s values, contributing to a positive school culture.
The curriculum is ambitious and knowledge-focused, particularly in core subjects like mathematics and science, where the sequencing of content allows for incremental learning. Staff demonstrate confidence in teaching these subjects, regularly checking pupils' understanding. However, some foundation subjects still require development, as the curriculum in these areas does not consistently challenge pupils or build on prior knowledge effectively. Leaders are aware of these gaps and are actively working to enhance the curriculum.
Reading is prioritized at the school, with a well-stocked library that encourages pupils to develop their reading skills. Older students read confidently, and teachers emphasize vocabulary development. Despite these strengths, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in some pupils starting school without fluent reading skills. Interventions are in place to support these students, but inconsistencies in phonics instruction among staff have been noted. Leaders are addressing this by implementing a new phonics program to ensure all staff are equipped to teach reading effectively.
The school’s approach to supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities is commendable. The experienced coordinator ensures that support plans are followed, allowing these pupils to access the same learning opportunities as their peers. Staff encourage independence among students with additional needs, promoting self-reliance in their learning.
Governance at the school is strong, with governors providing a balance of support and challenge to school leaders. They are well-informed about curriculum developments and are focused on enhancing the relationship with the infant school to benefit all pupils. The leadership team is attentive to staff well-being, fostering a supportive environment for educators.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with a dedicated team that closely monitors the welfare of all children. The pastoral care provided by leaders is noteworthy, ensuring that pupils and families receive the necessary support. Staff are well-trained in safeguarding procedures, and pupils are educated on relevant topics to help them stay safe.
To continue improving, the school must address the inconsistencies in phonics instruction and ensure that all staff are adequately trained in the new program. Additionally, the curriculum in some foundation subjects needs to be more ambitious and better sequenced to enhance pupils' learning experiences. Leaders are already taking steps to address these areas, demonstrating a commitment to ongoing improvement and excellence in education. Overall, Lee-on-the-Solent Junior School is making commendable progress in providing a quality education for its pupils.