Upham Church of England Aided Primary School is a small primary school located in Upham, Southampton, Hampshire. The school has been recognized as a good institution, with its most recent inspection taking place on 19 October 2022. The school prides itself on fostering a supportive and nurturing environment where pupils thrive academically and socially. The Christian values of love and care are central to the school's ethos, creating a strong sense of community and belonging among students and staff. Relationships between adults and pupils are characterized by mutual respect and understanding, contributing to a safe and happy atmosphere.
Pupils at Upham School enjoy their time at school and demonstrate positive behavior. They are well-behaved, and instances of bullying are rare, as students feel confident that any issues will be addressed promptly by the staff. The school encourages pupils to take on various responsibilities, such as peer mentoring and sports leadership, which helps them develop important life skills and a sense of accountability. Older students particularly enjoy mentoring younger peers, fostering a culture of support and friendship across year groups.
Reading is a top priority for the school, and leaders have implemented effective strategies to instill a love for reading among pupils. Teachers introduce students to a diverse range of challenging texts, enhancing their reading fluency and comprehension. The youngest children are encouraged to engage with stories and rhymes, and the school has recently adopted a new phonics scheme to ensure that all pupils, including those who struggle, receive the support they need to become proficient readers.
The curriculum at Upham School is broad and ambitious, with subject leaders clearly outlining the knowledge and skills pupils should acquire. However, there are instances where the focus on overarching themes can obscure specific content in foundation subjects, leading to gaps in pupils' understanding. Leaders are aware of this issue and are actively working to ensure that the curriculum is implemented consistently, allowing pupils to build on their prior knowledge effectively.
Teachers at the school demonstrate strong subject knowledge and are skilled in managing mixed-year classes. They regularly check for understanding during lessons and provide appropriate support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. The school is committed to ensuring that all pupils have access to the same curriculum and that any barriers to learning are addressed promptly.
Pupils exhibit excellent attitudes towards learning, particularly in key stage two, where they listen attentively and follow instructions well. Younger pupils learn positive behaviors from their older peers, creating a culture of respect and responsibility. The school also emphasizes the importance of developing pupils as citizens, encouraging them to learn about different cultures and religions, and fostering respect for diversity.
Governors are actively involved in the school and understand its strengths and areas for improvement. They prioritize staff well-being and work collaboratively to support one another. The school has effective safeguarding arrangements in place, with staff trained to recognize and respond to any concerns regarding pupil safety. Overall, Upham Church of England Aided Primary School continues to provide a good education, with a strong focus on reading, personal development, and community values. The school is committed to continuous improvement and ensuring that all pupils achieve their full potential.