Hampton Dene Primary School, located in Hereford, continues to be recognized as a good school following its recent inspection. The school embodies a happy and inclusive environment, living up to its motto of One School Cherishing All. The commitment to nurturing and valuing every pupil is evident, with positive feedback from parents, staff, and students regarding the headteacher's excellent leadership. High expectations are set for all pupils, encompassing their social, emotional, and academic development. Teachers utilize their comprehensive understanding of each student, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, to tailor learning experiences effectively. The curriculum is well-structured and enriched, ensuring that the diverse needs of pupils are met.
The school has established clear routines from early years, teaching children appropriate behavior, which results in exemplary conduct among pupils. They engage in collaborative learning and play, demonstrating respect and consideration for one another. The supportive staff create a safe and confident atmosphere, paying close attention to individual needs. An extensive range of extracurricular activities is available, including horse-riding and cheerleading for pupils with special educational needs, as well as participation in sports competitions and music events. Physical education is prioritized, with initiatives like the daily mile and annual swimming sessions for each cohort.
Hampton Dene Primary School is ambitious for its pupils, aiming for academic success while also fostering essential life skills. Each year group participates in a life-skills café, where they learn practical skills such as planning, budgeting, and cooking. The curriculum is progressive, with a strong emphasis on key vocabulary across subjects. While most subjects are well-established, a few are still developing due to recent adaptations. Teachers clearly model and explain tasks, ensuring pupils understand their objectives, which minimizes wasted time. Adaptations are made for pupils with special educational needs, providing additional support as necessary.
The school effectively identifies pupils with special educational needs early on, offering tailored support from well-trained staff both in classrooms and in the language and communication center. Pupils from the center are fully integrated into school life, participating in lessons and playtime alongside their peers. However, the targets set for pupils with mild learning difficulties are too broad and lack the precision needed for effective assessment and progress tracking.
A strong emphasis is placed on fostering a love of reading, with regular encouragement and celebration of reading achievements. The phonics curriculum is consistently implemented, and books are matched to pupils' abilities, ensuring that those who struggle receive additional support to help them catch up. Most pupils enjoy school and attend regularly, displaying positive attitudes towards learning and good behavior.
The school prioritizes personal, social, and health education, focusing on pupils' mental and physical well-being. Weekly church visits and community involvement help pupils understand values such as equality and diversity. However, their knowledge of fundamental British values and beliefs from different faiths is still developing, indicating a need for broader coverage in the curriculum.
Staff collaboration is strong, with all members proud to work at Hampton Dene. They manage their workloads effectively and appreciate the support provided by the school. New staff receive the necessary training and guidance to become effective practitioners. Governors share the leadership's ambition for pupils and maintain a good understanding of the school's strengths and areas for development, ensuring that the quality of education remains high.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, contributing to a safe learning environment. The school is encouraged to refine the support plans for pupils with moderate special educational needs to enhance the precision of targets and improve understanding of British values and diversity. Overall, Hampton Dene Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a high-quality education for all its pupils.