Peterchurch Primary School in Herefordshire has undergone significant improvements since its last inspection, achieving a good overall effectiveness rating. The school is well-led, providing students with a variety of positive experiences that contribute to their learning and personal development. Lessons are organized effectively, with high expectations set for students, resulting in good progress in their academic pursuits. The school offers a range of extracurricular activities, including gardening and dance clubs, as well as trips to coastal areas and book festivals, which help broaden students' interests and foster a sense of community involvement.
The behavior of students is commendable, with lessons typically running smoothly. Pupils demonstrate good manners and are quick to take initiative. They understand the school's values, such as respect and responsibility, and appreciate the recognition they receive from staff for their achievements. Incidents of bullying are rare, and any conflicts are resolved calmly and fairly, contributing to a safe and happy school environment.
The leadership team has introduced fresh energy and direction, leading to a redesigned curriculum and improved class organization. Staff members receive clear guidance on what to teach and when, ensuring that lessons build logically on prior knowledge. This structured approach has been supported by appropriate training for staff, and subject leaders are actively involved in monitoring the curriculum's effectiveness. The school community, including parents and staff, expresses positive views about the warm culture and ethos fostered by the leadership.
The school has implemented a systematic approach to teaching early reading, with daily phonics lessons in Reception and Key Stage 1. The reading materials provided to students are well-matched to their learning needs, and additional support is available for those who require it. Communication with families is strong, enabling parents to assist in their children's reading development at home. While spelling and handwriting are taught alongside reading, there is room for improvement in these areas.
The curriculum across other subjects aligns with national standards, and the school has thoughtfully managed learning in mixed-age classes. However, the implementation of the curriculum varies across subjects, with some areas more developed than others. The school is working on using assessment effectively to inform teaching practices, particularly in science, where questioning techniques help identify and address misconceptions.
Students with special educational needs and disabilities receive tailored support, with their needs accurately identified and addressed. Parents have praised the school's inclusive approach, which is evident in the positive feedback received during the inspection.
The school's commitment to promoting personal development is a notable strength, with exceptional attention given to moral development. Pupils are encouraged to take on leadership roles and participate in decision-making processes. The school actively engages with the local community through events that foster connections between students and residents, enhancing students' sense of responsibility and self-esteem.
Governors play an active role in supporting school improvement and ensuring compliance with regulations. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, creating a safe environment for all students.
To further enhance the quality of education, the school should focus on ensuring consistency in the implementation of the curriculum across all subjects and improve the approach to teaching handwriting. By continuing to provide targeted support and training for staff, the school can maintain its trajectory of improvement and ensure high-quality learning experiences for all students.