Whitchurch CofE Primary School, located in Whitchurch, Ross-on-Wye, received an outstanding rating during its inspection from 31 October to 1 November 2012. The school has shown significant improvement since its previous inspection, where it was rated as good. The achievement of pupils is good, with almost all students making at least good progress in their lessons due to highly skilled teaching. Teachers have high expectations for all pupils, regardless of their starting points, and they plan lessons accordingly. Standards in reading, writing, and numeracy at the end of Years 2 and 6 are rapidly improving and are above national averages. Pupils demonstrate a strong desire to succeed and exhibit exemplary behavior both in lessons and throughout the school. They feel safe and are well-informed about how to avoid potentially dangerous situations.
The leadership and management of the school are outstanding. The headteacher has created a cohesive staff team focused on improving teaching and learning. School leaders effectively monitor teaching quality and pupil progress, ensuring that all staff are aligned with the school’s goals. The governing body is supportive and knowledgeable about the school’s operations, holding leaders accountable for their performance and insisting on transparency regarding the school’s work and life.
During the inspection, ten lessons were observed, including joint observations with the headteacher. Inspectors also held meetings with pupils, governors, staff, and a local authority representative. They considered responses from parents and staff questionnaires, as well as scrutinizing various documents related to pupil progress and school policies.
The school is smaller than average but is experiencing a rapid increase in enrollment. The proportion of pupils eligible for free school meals is below average, although this number has risen in recent years. The school has a higher-than-average percentage of pupils with special educational needs, primarily related to specific learning difficulties. The school meets government floor standards, which set minimum expectations for pupil attainment and progress.
To further improve, the school aims to increase the number of outstanding lessons by enhancing the quality of teachers’ marking and feedback. This includes ensuring that improvement points are linked to the next steps in pupils’ learning and providing opportunities for pupils to respond to feedback and review their own and others’ work.
Overall, the school’s achievement is good, with standards improving rapidly. The quality of teaching is outstanding, characterized by high expectations and well-planned lessons that cater to diverse learning needs. Pupils develop strong learning habits from an early age, and teachers consistently check pupil understanding, adjusting instruction as needed. The behavior and safety of pupils are outstanding, with a strong sense of responsibility and high standards of conduct. Attendance has improved and is above average, with pupils eager to learn.
The leadership is effective, with a strong sense of teamwork among staff and a commitment to raising standards. Leaders are aware of the school’s strengths and areas for development, ensuring continuous improvement. The local authority has provided valuable support, and the school collaborates effectively with other institutions to share best practices. The governance of the school is knowledgeable and proactive, ensuring accountability and support for staff welfare. Overall, Whitchurch CofE Primary School is a thriving educational environment that prioritizes pupil achievement and well-being.