London Colney Primary and Nursery School has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on March 2 and 3, 2023. The school is characterized by a friendly and inclusive environment where pupils thrive and feel safe. They enjoy warm and respectful relationships with their peers and the adults who support them. The school fosters a diverse community where pupils are encouraged to overcome challenges and reach their full potential.
Behaviour at the school is notably positive, with pupils playing happily across year groups and supporting each other to meet high expectations set by the adults. In lessons, pupils demonstrate their best efforts and strive to earn badges for embodying values such as curiosity, bravery, and respect. The school has a clear understanding of bullying, and pupils are confident that any incidents will be addressed promptly by the staff.
The school offers an exceptional programme of wider development, allowing pupils to participate in a variety of extracurricular clubs. These activities include crochet, journalism, mindfulness, football, and gymnastics, enabling pupils to develop their skills and talents. Special responsibilities are also assigned to pupils, such as Year 3 students serving lunch and Year 5 students acting as peer tutors for younger children. The school values pupil input, with leaders actively listening to their ideas through the London Colney Parliament.
The curriculum at London Colney Primary is ambitious and tailored to meet the needs of its pupils. Many students enter the school with low starting points, and for some, English is an additional language. The curriculum is designed to allow pupils to learn from their own experiences, gradually building their knowledge over time. Teachers are well-supported in delivering the curriculum and possess strong subject knowledge. They employ various methods to assess pupils' understanding, which informs future teaching. However, there are instances where the presentation of learning does not align closely with pupils' needs, leading to some challenges in understanding and application.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are identified early, and appropriate support is provided to ensure they can access the same curriculum as their peers. The school prioritizes reading, fostering a culture that promotes a love of reading from an early age. Children begin learning early reading skills in Nursery, which continues through Reception and Key Stage 1. The school ensures that reading materials are matched to pupils' levels, providing additional support for those who struggle.
Overall, pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards learning, with minimal disruption during lessons. Most achieve well across subjects, and those who find learning challenging receive timely support. However, there is a noted inconsistency in writing expectations across subjects, with higher standards observed in English compared to subjects like geography and history.
The early years curriculum is effective, with children quickly adapting to school routines and expectations. Language and communication skills are prioritized, and pupils learn about healthy lifestyles and positive relationships through the wider curriculum. The school promotes an understanding of different cultures and faiths, instilling fundamental British values in pupils.
Leaders are committed to continuous improvement and are supported by knowledgeable governors. Staff express pride in their work and appreciate the efforts made to manage their workload and well-being. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with a strong culture of safety and vigilance among staff. Pupils are educated on how to keep themselves safe, including online safety.
In summary, London Colney Primary and Nursery School is a good school that provides a supportive and enriching environment for its pupils, fostering their academic and personal development while ensuring their safety and well-being.