Ofsted conducted a visit to Round Diamond Primary School on 1 October 2020, led by Her Majesty’s Inspector David Milligan. This visit was part of Ofsted's efforts to understand how schools are managing the return to full education following the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The visit was not an inspection and did not involve graded judgments or the usual range of inspection activities, such as lesson observations or reviewing pupils' work. Instead, the focus was on discussions with the senior leadership team, the designated safeguarding team, and other curriculum leaders.
The school reopened fully to all pupils on 3 September 2020, and initial reports indicated that pupils were happy to return to school and were settling into routines. Attendance at the beginning of the school year was slightly lower than in the previous year, attributed to some pupils needing to quarantine after holidays and parents seeking additional reassurance before sending their children back. However, attendance levels have since returned to normal.
To encourage all pupils to return, the school implemented a variety of strategies, including allocating additional government funds to enhance leadership and staff capacity. Staff provided extra pastoral support and resources to alleviate the anxieties of pupils and their families. Curriculum leaders confirmed that all subjects were being taught as usual, and the school had reviewed the essential learning that pupils missed during the period of partial closure. Plans were in place to revisit topics across the wider curriculum, and practical learning was organized to ensure safety.
The school prioritized reading and mathematics, with teachers in Years 1 and 2 assessing pupils' retention of phonics sounds to tailor their teaching accordingly. This approach aimed to help pupils quickly catch up on their reading skills. In mathematics, pupils were given more time in lessons to practice and demonstrate their understanding of times tables and other calculations. Teachers utilized the school's calculation policy to address common errors and reinforce essential knowledge.
Additionally, the school established a new online system for remote learning, training staff to use it effectively. This system is intended for use should the need arise for pupils to learn from home in the future. The visit did not reveal any significant concerns, and the information gathered will contribute to Ofsted's national reporting, which will inform the government and the education sector about the current state of schools.
The insights shared during the visit are valuable for shaping future educational policies. The leadership at Round Diamond Primary School has shown a proactive approach in addressing the challenges posed by the pandemic, ensuring that pupils are supported academically and emotionally as they transition back to full-time schooling. The commitment to maintaining a broad curriculum while focusing on essential skills demonstrates the school's dedication to providing a comprehensive education for its pupils. Overall, the visit highlighted the effective measures taken by the school to facilitate a smooth return to education and support the well-being of its students.