Christ Church CofE Primary School and Nursery in Ware, Hertfordshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on July 19 and 20, 2023. The school is characterized by a welcoming atmosphere where pupils enjoy attending. The nursery class provides a smooth transition for children starting their education, supported by staff who prioritize a family-like environment. Parents and carers appreciate the warm welcome and the high expectations set by the staff, which contribute to the pupils' overall achievement.
During lunchtime, pupils of all ages interact positively on the field, and staff are proactive in addressing any conflicts that arise. The school fosters a caring environment where pupils feel supported and know they can talk to someone about their concerns. In lessons, pupils demonstrate concentration and a positive attitude towards learning. Those who struggle with attention receive assistance from skilled teaching assistants, and instances of bullying are rare, with staff effectively managing any issues that do occur.
Pupils are encouraged to take on various responsibilities, such as house captains and eco champions, and they actively participate in popular after-school and lunchtime clubs. These clubs offer diverse opportunities for learning, including activities like choir, dance, and computing. The school’s curriculum is well-organized, particularly in the early years, where staff utilize high-quality interactions to enhance children's skills and knowledge. However, some pupils in Key Stage 1 have not fully developed the foundational skills necessary for accessing the broader curriculum, such as proper pencil grip.
Reading is a significant focus at the school, with children introduced to a variety of books from the outset. Staff promote a love of reading through carefully selected texts and regular storytelling sessions. Phonics instruction begins early, and while staff demonstrate secure phonics knowledge, there are inconsistencies in the quality of additional support provided to pupils who struggle with reading. This can hinder their progress.
Leaders at the school are ambitious for their pupils and have established a coherent curriculum that builds knowledge over time. They have identified essential knowledge for pupils to retain and ensure that teaching reinforces prior learning effectively. In mathematics, for instance, pupils confidently apply their knowledge to problem-solving tasks.
The school has robust systems in place to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. Leaders collaborate with external services to provide timely and appropriate support, ensuring that these pupils can learn alongside their peers. Staff maintain high expectations for behavior, and while some older pupils may struggle with emotional regulation, training has been prioritized to help staff support their social and emotional needs.
The personal, social, and health education curriculum promotes understanding of responsible citizenship and cultural awareness. Pupils engage in discussions that foster tolerance and respect for diverse perspectives. The well-being of the school community is a priority, with leaders actively working to improve attendance and support staff welfare.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with a strong culture of safety established within the school. Staff are trained to recognize and report concerns, and pupils know whom to approach if they need help. The school’s curriculum includes lessons on safety, including online safety.
Overall, while the school excels in many areas, there are opportunities for improvement, particularly in ensuring consistent support for pupils learning to read. Leaders are encouraged to enhance training for staff to provide a more uniform approach to reading instruction.