St Giles’ CofE Primary School in South Mimms, Hertfordshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on June 10, 2021. The school is characterized by a welcoming and happy environment where pupils feel safe and valued. They express confidence in the adults who support them, noting that teachers are dedicated to helping them learn and achieve their best. The school promotes a culture of care and respect among pupils, who demonstrate kindness and consideration towards one another. During the inspection, it was evident that pupils were engaged in activities related to National Empathy Day, showcasing their understanding of the importance of empathy through shared reading experiences.
Parents appreciate the numerous opportunities available for family engagement in school life, which aids in understanding how to support their children's learning. The school offers a variety of physical and sporting activities, with pupils often achieving notable success. At break times, pupils adhere to the school’s rules of being ready, respectful, and safe, which they believe guide their behavior and interactions. Reports from both pupils and parents indicate that instances of bullying are rare, and when they do occur, staff are quick to address the issues.
Since the last inspection, school leaders have made significant improvements to the curriculum, ensuring that it is well-structured from Reception through Year 6. Curriculum plans are in place that detail the content to be taught across subjects and year groups, allowing pupils to build on their knowledge progressively. Teachers effectively reinforce prior learning, enabling pupils to recall important information. For instance, younger pupils demonstrated their understanding of scientific concepts learned earlier in the year. The teaching staff also emphasize the correct use of subject-specific vocabulary, which aids pupils in grasping the meanings of different terms.
Reading is prioritized within the school, with pupils recognizing its importance for learning across various subjects. The phonics program is well-implemented, starting in Reception, and additional support is provided to ensure that pupils who may fall behind can catch up quickly. Regular reading practice and enjoyable class story times contribute to a positive reading culture, with older pupils confidently discussing their favorite books and authors.
The school fosters a strong sense of community, with leaders promoting high aspirations for all pupils. Opportunities for pupils to engage in charitable activities and community events help them develop a sense of responsibility and citizenship. The special educational needs coordinator ensures that pupils with additional needs receive appropriate support, allowing them to participate fully in school life.
Staff feel valued and supported, contributing to a positive school atmosphere. Governors are actively involved in supporting and challenging school leaders, although they are still developing their understanding of the curriculum and its impact on pupil achievement. The inspection highlighted the need for governors to enhance their accountability regarding the quality of education provided.
Overall, the school has established effective safeguarding measures, ensuring that all staff are trained to recognize and act on concerns regarding pupil safety. The school community is united in its commitment to providing a nurturing and effective learning environment, with a clear vision for continuous improvement. The next inspection will focus on the impact of the improved curriculum on pupil achievement, ensuring that the school continues to meet the needs of its learners effectively.