Acre Heads Primary School, located in Hull, East Yorkshire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on June 7 and 8, 2023. The school fosters a positive environment where pupils express happiness in belonging to the community. High expectations for learning and behavior are evident, and the curriculum is designed to be engaging and exciting. Pupils benefit from various opportunities, including educational trips and visits from speakers, which enhance their learning experiences. Notably, events like STEM fortnight and visits to a replica Roman village inspire pupils and encourage active participation in discussions about their learning.
The relationships between pupils and staff are characterized by positivity, contributing to a well-behaved school environment. Pupils report that bullying is rare, and they feel supported by adults when concerns arise. The leadership team and staff collaborate effectively to create a caring atmosphere, ensuring that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities receive appropriate support to access the curriculum alongside their peers. The school promotes understanding of different faiths and beliefs, fostering sensitivity and respect for diversity among pupils.
Leaders have made significant strides in improving the curriculum design, identifying key knowledge that pupils must acquire in each subject. In key stage one, pupils build on their early learning experiences, and teachers carefully plan activities that enhance understanding. For instance, in physical education, pupils engage with videos of renowned athletes to discuss and improve their running techniques. Leaders actively monitor pupils' progress in English and mathematics, using this information to inform future learning. However, there is a need for more effective checks on learning in other subjects, as some leaders lack comprehensive insights into pupils' progress.
The reading curriculum is well-structured, with children beginning to read as soon as they start school. Teachers regularly assess pupils' knowledge of letters and sounds, ensuring that reading materials are appropriately matched to their abilities. Those requiring additional support receive individualized attention, enabling them to catch up quickly. By the end of key stage one, most pupils are on track to become fluent readers. In mathematics, pupils build logically on their learning, with skilled teachers encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving. Pupils demonstrate a solid understanding of essential mathematical concepts, such as telling time using an analogue clock.
The school excels in supporting the wider development of pupils. Numerous opportunities exist for pupils to participate in various groups that contribute to school improvement, such as the Eco Team, which has initiated a project to recycle plastic bottle tops for school equipment. Assembly themes promote awareness of global issues, and pupils engage in respectful debates, demonstrating their ability to express opinions sensitively. The positive attitudes of pupils are reflected in their hard work and mutual support in the classroom.
Governors possess a clear understanding of the school's priorities and provide appropriate challenge and support to drive improvement. They are committed to maintaining high educational standards. Leaders prioritize staff well-being and offer extensive support and training, contributing to a positive school culture.
The safeguarding arrangements at Acre Heads Primary School are effective, with leaders prioritizing pupil safety. Relevant checks ensure that all adults working with children are suitable. New staff receive essential safeguarding training, and regular updates keep all staff informed about safeguarding protocols. Pupils are educated on safety measures, including online safety, and can articulate what to do if they have concerns.
While the school has many strengths, there is a need for improvement in the systems used to assess pupils' knowledge and retention across all subjects. Leaders should ensure that subject leaders are equipped to implement effective assessment strategies to gain a comprehensive understanding of pupils' learning outcomes. This inspection marks the first routine evaluation since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the inspector considered the pandemic's impact on the school during the assessment. Overall, Acre Heads Primary School continues to provide a good quality of education, with a strong focus on pupil well-being and development.