Summerfields Primary School, located in Newport on the Isle of Wight, has recently undergone an inspection on June 25 and 26, 2024, and has been rated as good in overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The school has a strong sense of community, with pupils expressing pride in their school and a desire for everyone to feel included. The core values of Achieve, Belong, and Care are evident in the daily experiences of students and staff alike. Pupils feel supported and listened to, fostering a positive learning environment.
The leadership team has set high expectations for both academic achievement and conduct, which pupils are aware of and strive to meet. This has resulted in positive attitudes towards learning, with students demonstrating a commitment to doing their best in lessons. Behaviour is commendable, with established routines from early years helping children develop essential social skills. Older students take on mentorship roles, supporting younger peers and contributing to a culture of empathy and cooperation.
The school offers a variety of enriching experiences, such as educational trips, which enhance learning and broaden pupils' horizons. Most students enjoy attending school and feel safe in their environment. Following a period of change, school leaders have successfully raised expectations and made improvements to the quality of education. The curriculum has been restructured and is now well-designed, with a clear focus on key knowledge and vocabulary across subjects. Recent refinements in the mathematics curriculum have prioritized essential skills, leading to noticeable improvements in pupils' numerical abilities.
Assessment practices are effectively utilized to inform future learning and address knowledge gaps, particularly for students at risk of falling behind. The identification and support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are well-managed, allowing most to achieve commendably. Teachers generally explain concepts clearly and use effective strategies to reinforce learning. However, in a few subjects, the specific knowledge to be learned has not been fully defined, which can hinder consistent planning for activities that help pupils retain important information.
Reading is a priority at Summerfields, with a comprehensive phonics program in place from early years. Staff are well-trained in delivering this program, ensuring that pupils practice reading with appropriately matched texts. Additional support is provided for those who struggle, helping to develop their fluency and comprehension skills. The school library is actively maintained by pupil librarians, fostering a love for reading among students.
The personal development program is thoughtfully designed, promoting understanding of faith and the wider world. Pupils demonstrate maturity in discussing relationships and the importance of healthy lifestyles. Opportunities for leadership and community involvement are encouraged, with students participating in various roles and activities that benefit both the school and the local community.
Attendance is a key focus for school leaders, who work closely with families to promote punctuality and regular attendance. Despite these efforts, a small number of pupils do not attend as frequently as they should, which impacts their learning. Governors are actively engaged in maintaining high standards and support the recent curriculum improvements. Staff appreciate the training provided and the measures taken to reduce their workload.
The safeguarding arrangements at Summerfields Primary School are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. Overall, the school is performing well, with clear areas for improvement identified, particularly in refining the curriculum further and addressing attendance issues for a minority of students.