St Saviour’s Catholic Primary School, located in Totland Bay on the Isle of Wight, underwent an inspection on July 2 and 3, 2024. The overall effectiveness of the school was rated as requiring improvement, with the quality of education also marked as requiring improvement. However, the school demonstrated good performance in areas such as behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management, and early years provision. The previous inspection in January 2019 had rated the school as good.
The school environment is characterized by happy and respectful pupils who engage positively with both their peers and staff. Families feel included in the school community, benefiting from regular communication and participation in events like the summer fair. Pupils have adapted well to the new behaviour system, known as the ‘beehaviour code,’ and show enthusiasm for their learning, earning rewards for their efforts. During breaks, they engage in creative play, particularly enjoying the popular trim trail.
Significant changes in the leadership team have occurred this year, with support from the local authority and diocese aimed at enhancing the curriculum and improving pupil learning. While there is a shared commitment among staff to drive improvements, the recent changes have yet to fully impact pupil achievement across many subjects, resulting in some gaps in learning.
In response to previous low examination outcomes, the school has taken decisive steps to enhance the curriculum. Leaders are focused on the right priorities, ensuring clarity in what pupils need to learn across all subjects. Improvements in reading and mathematics have been prioritized, and the revised curriculum is beginning to show positive effects in these areas. However, many subjects still require full implementation of the recent changes, leaving some pupils with learning gaps.
Early years education is strong, with children benefiting from a well-structured environment and supportive staff who encourage language development and resilience. In lessons, however, the tasks assigned to pupils do not always effectively contribute to their learning, leading to gaps in knowledge and skills. Feedback provided to pupils does not consistently address misconceptions, particularly in writing, where pupils struggle to develop necessary skills.
Pupils receive good support in learning to read, with effective phonics instruction helping them become fluent readers. The school has established clear processes for identifying special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring appropriate support in core subjects. However, this support is less evident in the wider curriculum, affecting the learning of pupils with SEND.
The school fosters character development through leadership opportunities, such as participation in school councils and environmental initiatives. Leaders at all levels are dedicated to improving outcomes for all pupils, and their efforts are beginning to yield positive results in learning and readiness for future educational steps.
The safeguarding arrangements in place are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. To improve further, the school needs to raise expectations for writing and ensure that lesson tasks and feedback effectively support learning. Additionally, the implementation of the revised curriculum must be consistent across all subjects, and support for pupils with SEND should be enhanced throughout the entire curriculum. Overall, while the school has made strides in certain areas, continued focus on these improvements is essential for enhancing pupil outcomes.