Ofsted conducted a short inspection of The Anthony Roper Primary School on 27 June 2019, following its previous judgment of good in July 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively upheld the standards since the last inspection, demonstrating a commitment to continuous improvement based on previous recommendations. The school is characterized by a positive atmosphere where pupils enjoy strong relationships with peers and staff. Parents expressed high levels of satisfaction, noting the approachability of staff and the attentiveness of school leaders to their concerns. The school has received national accreditation for its focus on social and emotional health, reflecting its commitment to pupil well-being.
The leadership's ambition is grounded in a thorough evaluation of the school's needs, enabling the development of a clear improvement plan. Governors actively monitor the implementation of this plan to ensure positive outcomes for pupils. Subject leaders have taken on a more prominent role since the last inspection, providing training for teachers and monitoring pupil work to enhance teaching quality, particularly in writing and mathematics. This has addressed previous dips in progress in these areas. In the early years, children effectively apply their phonics knowledge to writing, while key stage one pupils demonstrate strong vocabulary use in their writing.
Pupils enjoy their lessons, with phonics instruction being particularly effective, fostering confident readers across various subjects. The curriculum is enriched through creative use of the school grounds and meaningful trips, although some subjects do not receive equal emphasis, leading to gaps in knowledge and skills in certain areas. Disadvantaged pupils receive good support, particularly in the early years, where they are provided with opportunities to develop communication skills. However, the school's plans for utilizing the pupil premium lack specificity, which may hinder the progress of some disadvantaged pupils.
Safeguarding measures are effective, ensuring a safe environment for pupils. Staff and governors receive appropriate training, and pupils feel secure, knowing they can approach trusted adults with concerns. While essential employment checks are in place, the documentation is not always clear, and the single central record requires better monitoring. Risk assessments for school activities are conducted, but they do not always account for all potential risks.
The inspection highlighted the need for consistent strength in subject leadership across the curriculum to ensure clear progression in learning. Regular checks on safeguarding procedures are necessary to maintain efficient and accurate systems. A more precise understanding of the individual needs of disadvantaged pupils is essential for enhancing their progress, particularly for the most able. Overall, the school is making commendable efforts to improve educational outcomes, but there are areas that require further attention to ensure all pupils achieve their full potential. The inspection findings indicate a solid foundation for continued growth and development within the school, with a clear path for future improvements.