Sandhurst Primary School, located in Cranbrook, Kent, has been recognized for its significant improvements since its previous inspection, moving from a status of requiring improvement to achieving a good overall effectiveness rating. The leadership team, under the guidance of a strong headteacher, has established a culture of high aspirations for all pupils, fostering an environment where students can thrive. The school enjoys the trust and confidence of parents and the local community, which has been instrumental in its ongoing development.
The leadership team possesses a comprehensive understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for growth. They have implemented effective strategies that ensure good teaching practices are in place, leading to strong progress in pupils' learning. While outcomes in reading, writing, and mathematics are generally good, there is a recognized need to challenge more pupils to achieve higher standards. The school has developed a culture of self-evaluation, which promotes continuous improvement, and governors are becoming increasingly systematic in their oversight of the school’s effectiveness.
Phonics instruction is delivered systematically, resulting in strong progress for pupils in their understanding of sounds, which they effectively apply in their reading. The curriculum is broad and enriched with a variety of first-hand experiences, allowing pupils to engage in a wide range of subjects, including music and French. The school prioritizes safeguarding, ensuring that pupils feel safe and well cared for in a nurturing environment.
Teachers regularly track pupils' progress and know them individually, which allows for tailored support. Although most teachers plan effectively to meet the needs of their pupils, there remains a challenge in ensuring that all pupils reach their full potential. The school effectively utilizes additional funding for disadvantaged pupils, resulting in good progress for most of these students.
Pupils demonstrate positive personal development, behavior, and welfare. They are friendly, respectful, and exhibit positive attitudes towards learning. The school provides a variety of physical activities, both during lessons and through extracurricular offerings, which are well-received by pupils. The curriculum also promotes pupils' spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development, preparing them well for life in modern Britain.
In the early years, children receive a strong start with a wide selection of stimulating activities. Leaders are aware of the need to ensure that more children achieve higher standards, and they are actively working towards this goal. Parents are kept well-informed about their children's progress, enabling them to support learning at home effectively.
To further improve, the school must ensure that more pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, are consistently challenged to achieve their full potential and attain higher standards. Additionally, governors should refine their skills in holding leaders accountable to accelerate the rise in standards. Overall, Sandhurst Primary School is on a positive trajectory, with a clear commitment to continuous improvement and the well-being of its pupils.