Ryarsh Primary School, located in West Malling, Kent, has recently undergone an inspection, with the overall effectiveness rated as good. The school has maintained a strong reputation since its last inspection in 2012, which was rated outstanding. The current inspection reflects the school's commitment to providing a high-quality education, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The school has been recognized for its exemplary behavior and attitudes, as well as outstanding personal development among its pupils.
The school’s values of compassion, determination, integrity, respect, and unity are evident in the behavior of its students, who demonstrate exemplary conduct and foster respectful relationships. The ambitious expectations set by the school motivate pupils to strive for excellence across the curriculum. The joyful atmosphere during playtimes is enhanced by a variety of outdoor activities, where students engage in physical play and creative exploration. The buddy system, pairing older and younger pupils, promotes a sense of community and well-being.
In terms of personal development, Ryarsh Primary excels in fostering an understanding of equality and diversity among its pupils. The school encourages empathy through charity initiatives and guest speakers, while also providing numerous opportunities for students to develop their talents in sports, music, and the arts. The school prepares pupils effectively for their future educational journeys, equipping them with essential skills and experiences.
Academically, the school has demonstrated strong performance in reading and writing, with pupils acquiring the skills necessary to produce high-quality written work across various genres. Phonics instruction is particularly effective in the early years, ensuring that children develop a solid foundation in reading. The school has implemented effective catch-up sessions for those who may be struggling, which has contributed to the development of fluent and confident readers.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are well-supported, accessing the full curriculum with tailored adaptations. The collaborative efforts of leaders and staff ensure that all pupils can thrive, with a strong focus on inclusion. Teachers benefit from ongoing professional development, which enhances their subject knowledge and teaching practices. The curriculum is well-structured, allowing pupils to engage deeply with their learning and demonstrate their understanding through recall activities.
While the school has achieved commendable results, particularly in reading and writing, there is a recognition that mathematics outcomes need improvement. Leaders are actively working to raise standards in this area. Additionally, there are instances where key knowledge is not clearly defined in lesson planning, which can affect pupils' long-term retention of information. The school is committed to refining its curriculum implementation to ensure that essential knowledge is emphasized across all subjects.
The early years provision is strong, providing a nurturing environment where children learn to manage their emotions and communicate effectively. The school’s pastoral care is a significant strength, helping pupils navigate their emotional well-being. Attendance rates are above the national average, reflecting the school’s effective engagement with families.
Overall, Ryarsh Primary School is a thriving educational institution that prioritizes the well-being and academic success of its pupils. The leadership team is dedicated to continuous improvement, fostering a positive and inclusive school culture. The school’s commitment to high standards in education and personal development is evident, making it a valuable asset to the community.