Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Lydden Primary School on 5 February 2019, following its previous judgment of good in February 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively upheld the standards of education, with staff committed to enhancing the provision for pupils. Parents and carers express overwhelming support for the school, appreciating the care and support their children receive. The leadership's clear communication of ambitions has motivated staff to meet the challenges set before them. The establishment of a successful federation has provided additional support, contributing to strong progress for pupils across all key stages, preparing them well for future educational steps.
The school environment is positive, with pupils enjoying their learning experiences and actively participating in school life. They express enthusiasm for their favorite subjects and topics, and the vibrant displays of their work enhance the stimulating atmosphere. Attendance is high, and pupils demonstrate a strong sense of pride in their achievements, often sharing their learning experiences and improvements. Collaborative work among pupils fosters confidence and articulation, leading to cheerful and engaged learners.
Parents are highly satisfied with the school's performance and leadership, noting the staff's dedication to going above and beyond for students. They highlight the school's support during challenging times, such as family issues. The school community is actively involved, with parents raising funds for various activities, enhancing the overall educational experience.
The inspection noted that the school has maintained strengths identified in previous evaluations, with pupils achieving above the national average in reading, writing, and mathematics at the end of key stages one and two. Writing, in particular, has seen significant improvement, with pupils making strong progress. The early years provide a solid foundation for children, preparing them well for key stage one. The leadership has effectively addressed previous dips in mathematics achievement, resulting in improved progress for pupils.
The school has successfully tackled areas for improvement identified in earlier inspections, leading to enhanced writing accuracy and confidence in problem-solving among pupils. The nurturing environment promotes a culture where mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities, fostering resilience and self-correction. This approach has particularly benefited the most able pupils, who are making strong progress.
Safeguarding measures are robust, ensuring the well-being of all pupils. The school prioritizes the care and safety of students, with high attendance rates and effective support systems for those facing challenges. Staff training is thorough, and leaders regularly review safeguarding practices to ensure effectiveness.
The inspection highlighted the need for continued development in the curriculum, particularly to support disadvantaged pupils in achieving strong progress. The school has implemented new strategies to enhance spelling and mathematics, with positive feedback from pupils and parents regarding the changes. The pupil premium funding is utilized effectively, although some disadvantaged pupils still require additional support to match their peers' progress.
Overall, Lydden Primary School demonstrates a commitment to excellence in education, with a focus on developing independence and resilience among pupils. The leadership's ambition for continuous improvement is evident, and the school community is actively engaged in fostering a positive learning environment. The next steps involve further refining the curriculum to ensure all pupils, particularly those disadvantaged, achieve their full potential by the end of key stage two.