Bishops Down Primary and Nursery School in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, underwent an inspection from November 1 to 2, 2023, resulting in an overall effectiveness rating of Requires Improvement. The quality of education was also rated as Requires Improvement, while behaviour and attitudes, as well as personal development, received a Good rating. Leadership and management, along with early years provision, were similarly rated as Requires Improvement. This inspection follows a previous grade of Good in July 2022.
Pupils express pride in attending this inclusive school, where diversity is celebrated. They feel safe and enjoy positive relationships with peers and staff. The school community values high expectations, fostering respect and kindness among students. Pupils demonstrate cooperative play during breaks, contributing to a positive school environment. Recent improvements in behaviour and attitudes towards learning have been acknowledged by the community.
Despite the positive atmosphere, the school faces challenges in ensuring consistent learning outcomes. Previous weaknesses in curriculum delivery have resulted in knowledge gaps among pupils. While students take pride in their work and show a desire to succeed, the school recognizes the need for further improvements to adequately prepare them for future learning stages.
The school has made strides in stabilizing following changes in staffing and governance. External support has facilitated necessary curriculum improvements, with a well-considered plan spanning from Reception to Year 6. However, many subjects are still in the early stages of improvement, and staff are developing their understanding of effective teaching practices. Consequently, learning activities may not always align with intended outcomes, leading to gaps in knowledge and difficulties in grasping new concepts.
The school prioritizes the development of English and mathematics from early years onward. Recent enhancements in writing instruction are underway, though their full impact on pupil achievement remains to be seen. Reading is emphasized, with early learners beginning their reading journey promptly. While some pupils receive additional support to catch up, the school acknowledges the need for consistent delivery of this support. Additionally, mismatches between reading materials and pupils' phonetic knowledge hinder their fluency and accuracy.
In the early years, positive relationships between staff and children are evident, with children engaging enthusiastically in various activities. However, there is a lack of careful planning to ensure that these activities effectively prepare children for their developmental next steps. Opportunities for promoting communication skills are not consistently utilized.
The school demonstrates high ambition for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. Staff promptly identify these pupils and provide appropriate support, allowing them to access the same curriculum as their peers. Pupils exhibit good behaviour and positive attitudes, with pastoral support being a notable strength. However, attendance issues persist for a minority of pupils, and the school is actively working to address this.
Pupils show a strong sense of acceptance and fairness, understanding the importance of these values in society. They learn about diverse cultures and religions, and they appreciate the range of extracurricular activities available to them. The school considers staff workload and well-being while striving for further improvements. Governors provide balanced support and challenge as the school works to enhance educational quality.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all pupils. To improve, the school must fully implement a consistent approach to teaching reading, ensuring that books align with pupils' phonetic knowledge. Curriculum improvements are still in early stages, leading to knowledge gaps that hinder learning. The school should expedite these improvements and enhance staff expertise to support pupil development effectively.