Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Ide Hill Church of England Primary School on April 4, 2019, following its previous judgment of good in June 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain its good quality of education. The leadership team, under the passionate guidance of Mrs. Louisa Hillman, has shown a strong commitment to further improvement. Senior leaders and governors possess a clear understanding of the school’s strengths and are focused on key priorities for development.
The school is recognized as a friendly and inclusive community, with parents expressing high satisfaction regarding the varied opportunities and support available. Pupils describe the school as a happy and friendly environment, contributing to their overall thriving. The previous inspection highlighted the need to enhance the quality of teaching and pupils’ achievements in mathematics and technology, as well as the presentation of their work. The school has effectively addressed these areas, setting high expectations for all pupils and fostering a positive learning climate. Pupils demonstrate enthusiasm and commitment to their learning, taking pride in the quality of their work.
In the early years, children make strong progress due to a stimulating learning environment and well-planned activities. Over the past three years, the proportion of children achieving a good level of development at the end of the Reception Year has consistently exceeded national averages. Throughout key stages one and two, pupils continue to learn effectively, with good teaching enabling strong progress. In 2018, the proportions of pupils attaining expected standards in reading, writing, and mathematics at the end of key stage one were above national averages. Additionally, the combined measure of pupils reaching expected and higher standards in reading, writing, and mathematics has exceeded national averages for three consecutive years.
Safeguarding practices at the school are robust, with a strong culture prioritizing pupils’ welfare. The leadership team has established effective policies and procedures, ensuring that all staff and governors are well-trained and understand their responsibilities. Pupils are educated on personal safety, including online safety, and they express confidence in the school’s anti-bullying initiatives. The school’s anti-bullying ambassadors play a vital role in addressing pupils’ concerns, contributing to a safe school environment.
The inspection focused on several key aspects, including the teaching of mathematics, the achievement of disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs, and the school’s curriculum. Leaders have successfully improved the quality of mathematics teaching, with clear explanations and challenging activities that promote understanding. Pupils engage collaboratively, discussing their mathematical thinking and enhancing their comprehension. Additional funding is effectively utilized to support pupils with special educational needs and those who are disadvantaged, ensuring they are well-supported and make strong progress.
Teachers maintain high expectations and plan engaging activities across subjects, allowing pupils to develop their knowledge and skills. Writing opportunities are integrated throughout the curriculum, with pupils producing work for various purposes. Enrichment opportunities, such as virtual-reality experiences and forensic science workshops, further enhance the curriculum. While teaching strengths are evident, there is a recognized need for further development in ensuring that pupils’ knowledge and skills are deeply embedded across all subjects.
Next steps for the school include further developing the curriculum to build on prior learning and deepen pupils’ understanding in all subjects. The inspection findings will be shared with relevant stakeholders, ensuring transparency and continued focus on improvement.