Elms School, located in Dover, Kent, is a special school catering for pupils aged five to sixteen with complex behavioral, emotional, and social difficulties. The school has been recognized as a good institution, maintaining this status since its last inspection in October 2017. The recent inspection conducted on March 13 and 14, 2023, reaffirmed its good standing. The school fosters a positive and purposeful atmosphere, beginning each day with breakfast that allows students to socialize and engage in physical activities, helping them settle in for the day ahead. Pupils are motivated to learn and demonstrate a strong desire to succeed academically.
The staff at Elms School build trusting relationships with students, ensuring they feel safe and understood. Most pupils adhere to behavioral expectations, although some face challenges in this area, particularly in light of recent staff changes. The school has implemented improvements in behavior management, including the introduction of sensory rooms that help students feel calm and secure. The curriculum is broad and well-structured, providing a solid foundation for learning across various subjects. Teachers continuously assess student progress and adapt their teaching methods to meet individual needs, ensuring that all pupils can learn effectively.
Older students have the opportunity to study nationally accredited courses, including functional skills and GCSEs. Subjects such as art, food technology, and design technology contribute significantly to students' enjoyment of school and equip them with essential skills for future education and employment. The teaching of phonics is a key component of the curriculum, with staff demonstrating confidence and expertise in fostering reading skills. While younger pupils show significant progress in their reading abilities, some older students struggle and require additional support, which the school is actively working to enhance.
Classrooms at Elms School are calm and focused, although the unique needs of the pupils can sometimes lead to disruptions. Staff respond promptly and sensitively to maintain a conducive learning environment. Leaders are committed to establishing consistent routines and expectations, particularly during a period of staff turnover. They are also making adjustments to behavior management systems to better support students who require additional assistance.
The school offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including swimming, cinema trips, and sports events, which enhance students' learning experiences. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme is particularly popular among older pupils, contributing to their personal development. The personal, social, and health education program is comprehensive, preparing students for life in the UK and encouraging them to think about their future aspirations.
Staff morale is reported to be strong, with teachers feeling valued and supported by the leadership team. Recent curriculum improvements have made workloads more manageable, and governors actively monitor staff well-being through surveys and discussions. The safeguarding arrangements at Elms School are effective, with staff prioritizing pupil safety and promptly addressing any concerns.
While the school has many strengths, there are areas for improvement. Some older pupils are not making the expected progress in reading, and the new support program for these students is not yet fully implemented. Additionally, the recent changes in behavior management systems need to be consistently applied to ensure all pupils receive the support they need. Overall, Elms School continues to provide a nurturing and effective educational environment for its students, with ongoing efforts to enhance their learning and well-being.