Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Portal House School on 15 May 2019, with the findings indicating that the school continues to maintain a good standard of education since its last inspection in June 2015. The leadership team, including Mrs. Rosemary Bradley, has demonstrated a strong commitment to providing an ambitious vision for all pupils, many of whom have faced challenges in their previous educational experiences. The school has moved into a purpose-built facility designed to cater to the complex needs of its students, incorporating quiet spaces for study and individual changing rooms for physical education, ensuring that all pupils feel comfortable and supported.
The leadership team is focused on achieving high academic standards while also prioritizing the development of personal, social, and independence skills. This holistic approach was evident during lunchtime, where pupils engaged in social interactions in small groups with staff, fostering valuable life skills. The staff's comprehensive understanding of each pupil's individual needs allows for the creation of tailored learning programs, ensuring that all students, including those who are disadvantaged, make solid progress.
The quality of teaching is consistently good and improving, as evidenced by the engagement and enthusiasm of pupils during lessons. The leadership team actively monitors teaching practices and encourages staff to reflect on their methods, leading to continuous development. Pupils expressed their happiness at school, and parents echoed this sentiment, with all respondents to the Parent View survey indicating they would recommend the school to others.
Governors play an essential role in holding the leadership accountable, providing a balance of support and challenge. They are well-informed about the school's strengths and areas for improvement, setting ambitious targets for progress. The school has effectively addressed previous recommendations, particularly in enhancing the academic achievements of the most able pupils. All students now have the opportunity to achieve a range of qualifications that reflect their abilities, and there is a concerted effort to improve writing skills across various subjects.
Safeguarding practices are robust, with a strong culture of safety within the school. Recruitment procedures are thorough, and staff receive comprehensive training to ensure they are well-equipped to handle safeguarding concerns. Pupils are educated on online safety, empowering them to make informed choices regarding their internet use. The school environment promotes a sense of security, with pupils knowing whom to approach with any concerns.
The inspection highlighted that pupils enter the school with knowledge and skills below the typical level for their age. However, the leadership team conducts thorough assessments to establish a secure starting point for each pupil, allowing for the identification and addressing of learning gaps. The curriculum is broad and balanced, with key stage four pupils following accredited courses that prepare them for future employability and life skills. The school emphasizes the importance of good attendance, actively engaging with parents to improve attendance rates, which are showing positive trends.
In summary, Portal House School is effectively meeting the needs of its pupils through a combination of strong leadership, tailored educational programs, and a supportive environment. The school is committed to continuous improvement and ensuring that all pupils achieve their potential academically and personally. The next steps involve further enhancing writing opportunities across the curriculum and continuing efforts to improve attendance.