Lancaster Road Primary School in Morecambe, Lancashire, has been inspected and continues to be recognized as a good school. The inspection took place on November 9 and 10, 2021. Pupils express enthusiasm for attending the school, citing engaging learning experiences and the enjoyment of socializing with friends during breaks. They feel well cared for by staff who listen to their concerns, contributing to a sense of safety within the school environment. The pupils take pride in their achievements, which are celebrated in assemblies, and they understand that both leaders and teachers have high expectations for their performance, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
The school promotes a culture of respect and responsibility, with pupils aware of the importance of sensible behavior and the unacceptability of bullying. They are confident that any incidents are addressed promptly and effectively by adults. Participation in various clubs and activities, such as sports competitions, is encouraged, and leaders ensure that all pupils, including those from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with special educational needs, can participate in these opportunities.
Leaders are committed to ensuring that all pupils achieve well. They have established clear curriculum plans that outline expectations for each year group, which aids teachers in delivering lessons that build knowledge and skills progressively. For instance, in mathematics, pupils regularly practice number facts, which strengthens their foundational skills. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the school prioritized learning in English and mathematics while maintaining access to the broader curriculum. However, some older pupils have experienced gaps in their knowledge in certain subjects, which has affected their overall achievement and readiness for future learning stages.
Reading is a strong focus at Lancaster Road Primary School, with children learning phonics from an early age. By the time they reach key stage two, most pupils are confident readers who enjoy exploring a variety of texts. Nonetheless, some pupils do not read widely enough, limiting their opportunities to develop a deeper love for reading.
The school is proactive in supporting pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they feel included and receive appropriate support. Early identification of individual needs allows for timely intervention, and parents appreciate being involved in their child's support plans. The school enhances pupils' experiences through trips and visits, which contribute to their personal well-being and help them reintegrate into school life post-pandemic.
Staff members express high regard for school leaders, feeling valued and supported in their roles. Leaders are attentive to staff workload and well-being, consulting them before implementing changes to ensure that any new initiatives benefit pupils.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, with leaders and governors prioritizing pupil safety. Staff receive regular training and understand their responsibilities in safeguarding. The school has a dedicated safeguarding team that works closely with vulnerable pupils and their families, collaborating with external agencies as needed.
To improve, the school needs to ensure that teachers monitor pupils' reading habits more closely, encouraging a broader selection of high-quality texts. Additionally, addressing gaps in knowledge for older pupils in foundation subjects is essential to enhance their understanding and retention of learning. Overall, Lancaster Road Primary School demonstrates a strong commitment to providing a supportive and effective educational environment for all its pupils.