Pool House Community Primary School in Kidsgrove, Lancashire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on 18 and 19 October 2022. The school provides a positive environment where pupils feel safe and are encouraged to work diligently. Students, including those in the early years, take pride in their school and appreciate the support and care provided by the staff. The high expectations set by the school leaders are evident in the engagement and effort displayed by all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
Behavior at the school is commendable, with pupils demonstrating politeness and good manners. They navigate the school premises in an orderly fashion, and there is a strong assurance among students that any incidents of bullying would be promptly addressed by the staff. The school has established a variety of extracurricular activities that enhance the educational experience, including after-school clubs focused on art, gardening, and sports. The drama class is particularly popular, with students enjoying participation in school productions.
The curriculum at Pool House Community Primary School is ambitious and engaging, designed to cater to all pupils, including those with special educational needs. The curriculum is logically structured from the Reception class through to Year 6, with leaders identifying key knowledge that pupils should acquire each year. However, there are a few subjects where clarity regarding essential knowledge is lacking, which can hinder teachers in effectively planning lessons. This occasionally results in pupils moving on to new topics without fully grasping the previous material, impacting their overall achievement.
In the early years, children quickly adapt to school routines and benefit from a curriculum that promotes language and communication development. Activities such as discussing farm life help children engage with their peers and prepare them well for Year 1. Reading is a priority at the school, with phonics lessons commencing as soon as children start. Staff are well-trained in teaching reading, ensuring that pupils read books that align with their phonics learning, which fosters accuracy and confidence. Pupils who struggle with phonics are quickly identified and supported to catch up.
Pupils exhibit excellent behavior, showing kindness and consideration both in class and during playtime. This respectful atmosphere allows for focused learning without distractions. Leaders are well-acquainted with the pupils, making regular assessments to monitor their progress. They are particularly attentive to the needs of pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they have access to the same curriculum as their peers and collaborating with external agencies for additional support.
The school promotes personal development effectively, with pupils learning about their community and participating in local events. Leaders, including governors, are aware of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. Staff feel supported in managing their workload and well-being, contributing to a positive working environment.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are robust, with well-trained staff who know how to respond to concerns about pupil safety. Pupils are educated on how to keep themselves safe, including online safety, and are aware of whom to approach with any worries.
To enhance the educational experience further, the school should refine the curriculum in a few subjects to ensure that all teachers and pupils have a clear understanding of the key knowledge to be acquired. This will help solidify learning and improve overall pupil achievement.