Shakespeare Primary School, located in Fleetwood, Lancashire, has been recognized for its outstanding performance during the inspection conducted on July 10-11, 2013. The school has maintained its previous rating of outstanding across all key areas, including the achievement of pupils, quality of teaching, behavior and safety of pupils, and leadership and management. The Early Years Foundation Stage provides children with an excellent start, characterized by high-quality teaching and a stimulating curriculum. This strong foundation leads to outstanding achievements by the time pupils leave Year 6, with many making better progress than their peers nationally.
The quality of teaching at Shakespeare Primary is consistently high, with teachers demonstrating very high expectations for all learners. They possess a deep understanding of pupils' needs and foster independent learning skills. While most marking is of high quality, there are occasional instances where feedback does not clearly outline the next steps for improvement. Pupils exhibit exemplary behavior both in classrooms and throughout the school, contributing to a positive learning environment. Their personal and academic skills are nurtured, resulting in enthusiastic learners who form strong relationships with peers and adults. The school enjoys above-average attendance and excellent punctuality, reflecting pupils' enjoyment of school life.
The school is fully inclusive, providing exceptional support for disabled pupils and those with special educational needs, ensuring they achieve very well. The headteacher's effective leadership has sustained and built upon the outstanding practices noted in previous inspections. Supported by a knowledgeable leadership team and effective governors, the school has developed an excellent curriculum tailored to pupils' needs, complemented by a wide range of enrichment opportunities, including clubs, visits, and residential trips.
Parents and the wider community have a strong relationship with the school, expressing confidence in its ability to provide a safe and nurturing environment for their children. The inspection involved observing lessons, playtime, and lunchtime, as well as reviewing pupils' work and conducting meetings with various stakeholders, including pupils, staff, and governors. The school has a larger-than-average size, with a proportion of pupils eligible for pupil premium funding that is broadly average. The school meets government floor standards for pupil attainment and progress in English and mathematics.
To further improve, the school aims to enhance the quality of teaching by ensuring that feedback on pupils' work consistently provides clear and specific guidance for improvement. The achievement of pupils is outstanding, with children entering the Early Years Foundation Stage with skills below those typically expected for their age. They make excellent progress, particularly in reading, writing, and mathematics, throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, with many reaching above-average standards by the end of Year 6.
The teaching quality is outstanding, with teachers effectively utilizing teaching assistants to support and accelerate learning. Lessons are well-structured, and teachers' subject knowledge enables them to explain new concepts clearly. Pupils engage in a variety of writing tasks that connect literacy with other subjects, enhancing their learning experience. The behavior and safety of pupils are also outstanding, with a strong emphasis on positive relationships and a culture of respect.
Leadership and management are exceptional, with a determined headteacher and an effective leadership team driving continuous improvement. The school has a clear understanding of its strengths and areas for development, implementing rigorous monitoring and evaluation processes. Governors are well-informed and provide robust support and challenge, ensuring the school meets all statutory requirements. Overall, Shakespeare Primary School exemplifies excellence in education, fostering an environment where all pupils can thrive and succeed.