St Peter’s Roman Catholic Primary School in Blackburn has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on June 8 and 9, 2021. The school is characterized by a welcoming environment where positive and respectful relationships flourish among pupils and staff. Students express that they feel happy and safe, with bullying being reported as extremely rare. They are confident in sharing concerns with staff, who are responsive and take appropriate action when necessary.
Teachers at St Peter’s maintain high expectations for their pupils, who demonstrate attentiveness and quickly follow instructions. The commitment of teachers to their students' success is evident, as pupils receive additional support when needed, including assistance with their well-being. The strong subject knowledge of teachers inspires pupils, leading to high achievement and well-preparedness for the next stages of their education.
Pupils exhibit excellent manners and appreciate the diverse opportunities provided through the personal, social, health, and economic education curriculum. They engage in learning about various cultures and religions, such as Judaism, and express enjoyment in activities like debating. The school’s leadership is ambitious, ensuring that all pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum. Leaders have effectively integrated literacy and numeracy across subjects, emphasizing the importance of subject-specific vocabulary.
In most subjects, leaders have identified essential knowledge for pupils to retain over time and have carefully considered the sequence of content delivery. However, in a minority of subjects, some finalization of essential knowledge is still underway. While pupils continue to progress well, leaders acknowledge that minor adjustments could enhance their learning experience further. Teachers utilize assessments purposefully to check pupils' retention of the curriculum.
Reading is a significant focus at St Peter’s, with leaders determined to ensure all pupils become fluent readers. From the Nursery Year, children engage in well-planned listening activities to learn letters and sounds. Consistent approaches in teaching phonics are employed in the Reception Year and Key Stage 1, enabling all pupils to acquire the necessary phonics knowledge for reading. Those who struggle with reading receive daily support to help them keep pace.
The school fosters a culture of reading, with daily storytime sessions in the early years and independent reading time in Key Stage 2. Pupils value these opportunities and enjoy selecting books from the library. The curriculum for early years is ambitious, preparing children for the demands of Year 1, with a focus on developing speech and vocabulary.
Leaders have high expectations for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, ensuring they receive tailored support to access the curriculum effectively. The behavior of pupils is commendable, allowing for uninterrupted learning. The school promotes healthy choices through physical education lessons and discussions about healthy eating.
Governors support the leadership team in providing an effective curriculum, prioritizing staff training to enhance their practice. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, with staff well-trained to recognize and report concerns. Pupils are educated about local community risks and know whom to approach with concerns.
To improve further, leaders should finalize the essential knowledge across all subjects to enhance the sequencing of learning. This will enable pupils to know and remember more over time. Overall, St Peter’s Roman Catholic Primary School continues to provide a supportive and enriching educational experience for its pupils.