Carleton St Hilda's Church of England Primary School has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on February 2 and 3, 2023. The school fosters a positive environment where pupils take pride in their school and respond well to the high expectations set by the leadership regarding behavior and academic achievement. The atmosphere is calm, allowing students to focus on their learning, and children in the early years adapt quickly to school routines.
The curriculum is ambitious and well-structured, enabling most pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, to achieve commendable results. The school prepares pupils effectively for the next stages of their education. Students engage in a variety of activities that contribute significantly to their personal development, such as charity fundraising, choir participation, and various sports clubs. Leadership roles are available for pupils, including reading champions and playground activity leaders, which older students fulfill admirably, serving as role models for younger peers.
Pupils demonstrate kindness and care towards one another, enjoying respectful relationships with staff. They feel comfortable seeking help from teachers, and any incidents of bullying are addressed promptly. The school environment is one where pupils feel safe and happy.
Leadership and staff are committed to the success of all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or have special educational needs. The curriculum is broad and engaging, with subject leaders focusing on essential knowledge that pupils should acquire. Most pupils develop a strong foundation of subject knowledge, preparing them for secondary education. The Reception class benefits from a well-designed curriculum that equips children for the demands of key stage one.
Teachers generally utilize their strong subject knowledge to create effective learning activities that help pupils retain information over time. Assessment strategies are employed to gauge pupils' understanding, although there are instances where misconceptions are not addressed due to some teachers lacking the necessary depth of subject knowledge. This occasionally hinders a small number of pupils from fully deepening their understanding across the curriculum.
In the Reception class, staff are attentive to the children's needs, ensuring that interactions contribute positively to their communication and language development. Reading is prioritized from the start, with staff supporting pupils who struggle with phonics to catch up quickly. Pupils read books that align with their phonics knowledge, fostering confidence and fluency in reading. They express enjoyment in reading and discuss themes from various books, which enhances their understanding of the world.
Leaders and teachers are proactive in identifying the needs of pupils requiring additional support, including those with special educational needs. They collaborate with other agencies to ensure these pupils can access the curriculum effectively. Pupils are eager to learn and demonstrate independence and curiosity in their studies. They listen attentively during lessons, contributing to a focused learning environment.
Pupils also benefit from a range of cultural, sporting, and community experiences, developing a solid understanding of equality and respect for diversity. They are encouraged to aspire for their futures and understand the importance of healthy relationships and well-being.
Governors maintain a clear vision for the school and hold leaders accountable for the quality of education provided. They are mindful of staff workload and well-being, contributing to a positive working environment where staff take pride in their roles.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, with a strong culture of safeguarding established. Staff receive regular training and are vigilant in identifying changes in pupil behavior, ensuring that any concerns are addressed swiftly. Pupils are educated on online safety and know how to report concerns.
While the school excels in many areas, there is a need for ongoing support for teachers to enhance their subject expertise, ensuring that all pupils receive consistent and high-quality education.