St Clare’s Catholic Primary School in Preston has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on March 16 and 17, 2022. The school is characterized by a welcoming and friendly atmosphere where pupils feel safe and happy. They appreciate the support from staff, who are readily available to address any concerns. The school promotes a strong sense of community, with pupils enjoying playtime and participating in various after-school activities. Enriching trips and residential visits further enhance their learning experiences.
The school maintains high expectations for all pupils, including those in the early years and those with special educational needs and disabilities. Most pupils achieve well academically and socially. Behaviour in classrooms and during playtimes is commendable, with pupils showing respect towards one another and adults. The school has effective measures in place to address any instances of bullying, ensuring that pupils feel confident in the staff's ability to handle such situations promptly.
From a young age, pupils are encouraged to take on responsibilities, such as being elected as school councillors. Older pupils particularly enjoy mentoring younger students, fostering a sense of responsibility and community. Parents and carers hold the school in high regard, often expressing their satisfaction and willingness to recommend it to others.
The leadership team has a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. They have designed a curriculum that caters to the diverse needs of pupils, ensuring that they learn a comprehensive range of subjects. In most areas, leaders have outlined the essential knowledge that pupils need to acquire and the sequence in which it should be taught. However, there are some subjects where clarity regarding the knowledge to be learned is lacking, which can hinder effective teaching.
Reading is a priority at St Clare’s, with efforts made to instill a love for books from the earliest stages. Pupils, including those in the Nursery class, are introduced to reading early on, and most demonstrate high levels of accuracy and fluency. The phonics program is well-structured, allowing pupils to learn new sounds in a logical order, supported by well-trained staff.
Staff effectively use assessment systems to identify pupils who may be falling behind, providing timely interventions to help them catch up. Continuous professional development ensures that staff remain knowledgeable and capable of delivering clear instruction. Classroom environments are conducive to learning, with pupils actively participating and showing enthusiasm.
The school has established robust systems for identifying and supporting pupils with special educational needs, ensuring they have access to the same learning opportunities as their peers. Beyond academics, the school offers a wide range of experiences, including performances and competitive sports, helping pupils develop as well-rounded individuals. They learn about diversity and engage in charitable activities, fostering a sense of citizenship.
Governors are actively involved and supportive, providing oversight while also challenging the leadership when necessary. Staff express pride in their work environment, appreciating the support for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to recognize and respond to potential risks to pupils' welfare.
Overall, St Clare’s Catholic Primary School continues to provide a good education, with a strong emphasis on pupil well-being, academic achievement, and community involvement. The school is committed to ongoing improvement, ensuring that all pupils are well-prepared for their future educational journeys.