Thorpe Acre Junior School in Loughborough, Leicestershire, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on May 16 and 17, 2023. The school is committed to fostering an environment where all pupils can learn, work, and succeed together. Leaders and staff maintain high expectations for behavior and academic performance, encouraging pupils to be ready, respectful, and safe. The positive behavior of pupils reflects their understanding of school rules and their pride in their work. They respect each other's differences and know how to seek help if they have concerns, with staff taking these concerns seriously.
Pupils display enthusiasm for learning, and the school is ambitious in ensuring that all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, achieve well. Effective support is provided for pupils who speak English as an additional language. The school emphasizes broadening pupils' experiences, with recent activities including a visit to Beaumanor Hall and events celebrating the King's Coronation. Opportunities for leadership development are available through roles such as school councillors and house captains, and pupils actively participate in sports clubs and competitions.
The curriculum at Thorpe Acre Junior School is broad and balanced, with a logical order that connects current learning to prior knowledge. Leaders have identified the specific knowledge pupils need to acquire across subjects. Recent initiatives to enhance writing have positively impacted pupils' learning, resulting in higher-quality writing. However, the full effects of these initiatives were not yet evident in the Year 6 writing outcomes for 2022. The school has a strong reading culture, with pupils enjoying high-quality texts and receiving effective phonics support, which helps them become confident readers.
Assessment practices are well established in most subjects, allowing teachers to adapt their instruction based on pupils' prior knowledge. However, some subjects require further development in assessment to ensure that teachers can identify the next steps in learning effectively. Staff are adept at recognizing the needs of pupils with SEND, providing tailored support that enables these pupils to thrive and enjoy their learning.
While the school has high expectations for behavior, some pupils require additional support to manage their behavior effectively. The school has systems in place to promote good behavior, and most pupils behave well during lessons and social times. Attendance remains a challenge, with some pupils missing school too frequently, which negatively impacts their learning. Leaders are actively working to improve attendance through various strategies.
Pupils learn about respectful relationships and safety, but their understanding of different faiths and cultures is not as secure as it could be. Leaders are encouraged to enhance opportunities for pupils to learn about diverse religions and cultures to prepare them for life in modern Britain. Staff appreciate the support they receive for professional development, and leaders are mindful of their workload and well-being.
The safeguarding arrangements at Thorpe Acre Junior School are effective, with rigorous procedures in place to protect pupils. Staff receive regular training and are vigilant in reporting concerns. The school collaborates with external agencies to ensure that pupils and their families receive necessary support. Overall, Thorpe Acre Junior School continues to provide a positive and supportive learning environment, with areas identified for improvement that will further enhance the educational experience for all pupils.