Sketchley Hill Primary School in Burbage, Leicestershire, has been rated as good in its recent inspection conducted on November 1 and 2, 2023. The school provides a supportive and nurturing environment where pupils feel happy and safe. The curriculum is designed to help all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, achieve high standards. Pupils express enjoyment in their lessons and demonstrate positive attitudes towards their studies. The school emphasizes the importance of good behavior, and pupils are noted to be courteous and polite, contributing to a calm atmosphere in classrooms and during playtime.
The school promotes independence and responsibility among its students. Older pupils assist younger ones, and various roles such as team captains and eco-warriors allow students to engage in school life actively. This involvement fosters a sense of community and pride in their achievements, which are celebrated in assemblies. Parents appreciate the family-like atmosphere and the support provided to both pupils and their families.
The school has established effective routines that contribute to good behavior. Children in the early years develop strong social skills and positive attitudes towards the activities offered. The emphasis on reading is evident, with a structured approach to teaching phonics and reading skills from the early years through to key stage one. Staff provide additional support to those who need it, ensuring that all pupils develop good reading fluency and a love for literature.
While the school is performing well, there are areas identified for improvement. The curriculum is under review in some subjects to enhance clarity regarding the essential knowledge pupils need to retain. In certain subjects, including those in the early years, the specifics of what students should learn and remember are not as clearly defined as they could be. This lack of clarity can lead to gaps in knowledge retention among pupils.
The school has made strides in updating its personal, social, health, and economic education curriculum, ensuring that pupils are well-informed about life in modern Britain and fundamental British values. The religious education curriculum has also been revised to improve pupils' understanding of various faiths. Additionally, the school prioritizes mental well-being and encourages participation in a variety of clubs and sports, which broadens pupils' interests and promotes a healthy lifestyle.
Leadership at the school is strong, with a focus on supporting teachers in developing their skills. Staff are well-equipped to teach a range of subjects and are encouraged to motivate pupils' curiosity. Governors play an active role in school life, with designated responsibilities that enhance their connection to the school community. The well-being of staff is also a priority, with leaders taking care to balance workloads.
The safeguarding arrangements at Sketchley Hill Primary School are effective, ensuring that pupils' safety and well-being are prioritized. Overall, the school is committed to continuous improvement and aims to provide an excellent educational experience for all its pupils. The positive feedback from parents, the supportive environment, and the focus on high standards contribute to the school's reputation as a good educational institution.