Linden Primary School, located in Evington, Leicester, has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection in January 2017, where it was rated as requiring improvement. The recent inspection in June 2019 has resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good, reflecting the positive changes implemented by the leadership team. The school has successfully enhanced the quality of education, leading to improved attainment and progress for pupils across all year groups. The leadership and management of the school are deemed good, with leaders effectively utilizing professional development to enhance teaching quality. Middle leaders have clear roles, and teachers have shown improvement in their subject knowledge.
The teaching of early reading is a notable strength, with pupils making strong gains in phonics, and older students developing fluency and comprehension skills. Teachers employ effective questioning techniques that foster mathematical understanding, allowing pupils to articulate their thought processes. Disadvantaged pupils are making strong progress, and their attainment is on the rise. The school has implemented robust tracking systems for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they receive the necessary support to reach their potential.
The school has enriched the educational experience for early years children, with high expectations set for their achievements. Children are well-prepared for their transition to Year 1. Pupils feel safe and are knowledgeable about online safety. The school has established all statutory checks and tailored training to fit its context, although some training evaluations could be more thorough. Pupils exhibit good behavior, and while bullying is reported as rare, there is a need for clearer communication with parents regarding the school's anti-bullying strategies.
Pupils engage with diverse faiths and cultures, promoting tolerance and preparing them for life in modern Britain. The school has identified areas for further improvement, including ensuring that all teachers consistently address misconceptions in pupils' work and that all pupils present their work to a high standard. Additionally, the school aims to enhance communication with stakeholders regarding its anti-bullying initiatives and to rigorously evaluate the impact of safeguarding training.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is rated as good, with teachers demonstrating strong subject knowledge and effectively using assessment information to tailor learning experiences. Pupils are identified quickly if they are falling behind, and additional support is provided to help them catch up. The teaching of mathematics is particularly effective, with pupils developing fluency and the ability to explain their reasoning. However, there are inconsistencies in the presentation of pupils' work, which detracts from the overall quality.
Personal development, behavior, and welfare are also rated as good. The school promotes personal development through initiatives like the Linden Learning Powers, encouraging resilience and responsibility among pupils. Opportunities for leadership and participation in clubs are available, fostering a sense of community. Pupils understand the importance of healthy living and report that incidents of bullying are infrequent. The school monitors behavior closely, leading to improvements in overall conduct.
Outcomes for pupils have improved, with rising attainment at the end of key stage two. The proportion of pupils meeting expected standards in reading, writing, and mathematics is above the national average. Disadvantaged pupils and those who speak English as an additional language are making strong progress. The early years provision is also rated as good, with substantial improvements made to the quality of education for young children, ensuring they are well-prepared for future learning. Overall, Linden Primary School has made commendable progress, establishing a solid foundation for continued improvement and success.