Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Long Clawson Church of England Primary School on 27 November 2018, following its previous judgment of good in January 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team, under the headteacher's guidance since August 2017, has effectively built upon the school's strengths and established a clear vision for continuous improvement. The leadership style is characterized by calmness and determination, fostering a cohesive team focused on meeting pupils' needs in a nurturing environment.
The school has successfully led improvements in teaching and learning, with staff and governors expressing appreciation for the headteacher's efforts. Parents and carers report high satisfaction levels, noting the kindness and approachability of the staff. Pupils enjoy attending school, as evidenced by their high attendance rates and enthusiastic arrivals. The leadership team has accurately evaluated the school's strengths and areas for development, implementing a clear improvement plan and regularly monitoring teaching quality.
While pupils' outcomes in reading and mathematics are generally in line with national averages, writing remains an area of concern, with inconsistencies noted across the school. The teaching of reading is a notable strength, with pupils expressing a love for literature and demonstrating confidence in their reading abilities. The curriculum is broad and balanced, promoting pupils' spiritual, moral, cultural, and social development, with fundamental British values integrated throughout school life.
Pupils' behavior and personal development are strong, with them being polite, well-mannered, and proud of their school. They report feeling safe and supported, with bullying being rare. The governing body is committed to the school, actively monitoring its performance and ensuring that any weaknesses are addressed. Safeguarding measures are effective, with leaders prioritizing the well-being of pupils and maintaining secure records.
The inspection highlighted that while there have been improvements in writing outcomes, further work is needed to ensure consistency across the school. Subject leaders are developing their skills, but there is a need for more rigorous evaluation of their impact. In the early years, not all pupils are making good progress, and leaders are implementing strategies to address this. The inspection concluded with recommendations for leaders to enhance subject leadership, provide more opportunities for extended writing, and ensure meaningful curriculum experiences in the early years.
Overall, the school demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement, with a strong focus on pupil achievement and well-being. The leadership team is dedicated to addressing areas for development while maintaining the positive aspects of the school's environment and culture. The inspection findings reflect a school that is striving to provide a high-quality education for all its pupils, with a clear path for future growth and success.