Hallaton Church of England Primary School, located in Hallaton, Leicestershire, underwent an inspection on July 3 and 4, 2023. The overall effectiveness of the school was rated as requiring improvement, along with the quality of education, behavior and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management. However, the early years provision was rated as good. The school previously received a good rating in its last inspection in May 2022.
The inspection highlighted that school leaders have raised their expectations for pupils, but not all students are achieving their full potential. The introduction of the ‘Five R-Stars’ initiative aims to encourage pupils to take responsibility and strive for excellence. While leaders are ambitious for their students, they acknowledge that further improvements are necessary. A robust plan is in place to build on the progress already made, and leaders are committed to securing additional enhancements.
The school fosters a strong sense of community, with pupils actively participating in village life through various activities such as art competitions and environmental initiatives. Students express pride in their school and enjoy the responsibilities assigned to them, such as maintaining the library and participating in assemblies. A variety of clubs, including a choir, are available for students to engage in extracurricular activities.
Reading is prioritized at Hallaton Primary, with a consistent phonics teaching approach established from the Reception Year. Most staff are trained to deliver this program, and regular assessments ensure that pupils who struggle receive the necessary support. As a result, students become confident readers. Recently, a new reading approach was introduced, focusing on key knowledge and comprehension, although inconsistencies in its delivery were noted in some classes.
The curriculum is structured, but in certain subjects, leaders have not fully defined what pupils should learn and remember. Where the curriculum is well-developed, teachers effectively connect new learning with prior knowledge. For instance, in history, teachers help students recall previous lessons to deepen their understanding. However, there are gaps in some subjects, and leaders have yet to establish consistent systems to identify these gaps in knowledge.
In the early years foundation stage, children settle well, with high expectations for behavior and well-established routines. The curriculum is clear and progressive, allowing teachers to assess children's knowledge effectively. However, there is room for improvement in fostering deeper thinking among children.
Leaders are ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, implementing rigorous systems to identify their needs. However, not all staff consistently ensure that these pupils access the curriculum effectively. Most pupils behave well, and a new behavior policy has strengthened behavior management, although consistency varies across classes.
Pupils demonstrate an understanding of equality and diversity, as well as fundamental British values, although their understanding of their significance is still developing. The school offers a wide range of sporting activities and clubs for students.
Recent leadership changes have brought renewed ambition and expectations, with senior leaders supported by the governing body making improvements. They have clear plans for ongoing development and understand the areas needing improvement. However, some aspects of subject leadership are still being developed, particularly in monitoring curriculum implementation.
The safeguarding arrangements at the school are effective, with responsible adults working in the school and staff trained to recognize signs of harm. Pupils feel safe and know how to protect themselves online. Overall, while Hallaton Church of England Primary School has made strides in certain areas, it requires further development in curriculum implementation, support for pupils with SEND, and consistency in behavior management to enhance the educational experience for all students.