Wragby Primary School underwent a short inspection on 6 March 2019, following its previous judgment of good in June 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain its good status. The leadership team has effectively upheld the quality of education, demonstrating a strong commitment to high aspirations for all students. The headteacher, with 24 years of service at the school, has fostered a positive environment where staff feel supported in managing their workload and achieving a healthy work-life balance. Professional development opportunities are provided, particularly in areas such as phonics and speech and language therapy.
The school has addressed previous areas for improvement, particularly in enhancing the role of school leaders in monitoring teaching quality. Subject leaders now actively evaluate teaching through various methods, including lesson observations and discussions with pupils. Governance has also improved, with governors taking a more rigorous approach to their responsibilities, demonstrating a good understanding of the school’s strengths and weaknesses.
Teaching quality has been a focus, with leaders implementing new initiatives to ensure that lessons are appropriately challenging for all pupils. This includes a structured approach to reading and a strong emphasis on reasoning in mathematics. As a result, pupils are making good progress, with higher expectations set for their achievements. The school has also been proactive in engaging with families and the community, providing support through various initiatives, such as parenting classes and health clinics.
Pupils enjoy a rich curriculum that includes immersive experiences, and they demonstrate excellent behavior throughout the school day. The early years classroom is well-organized, fostering an engaging learning environment for young children. Safeguarding measures are effective, with pupils feeling safe and well-informed about online safety. The school has established thorough systems for recruitment and training, ensuring that all staff are up-to-date with safeguarding practices.
Despite the positive findings, there are areas for further development. While progress in writing and mathematics has improved, attainment levels remain below the national average. School leaders recognize the need for continued focus on these subjects to ensure that more pupils reach expected standards by the end of key stage one and key stage two. Attendance has improved and is now in line with national averages, although there is still work to be done to support disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs.
The inspection concluded with recommendations for school leaders and governors to consolidate recent teaching initiatives to further enhance pupil outcomes. The commitment to continuous improvement is evident, and the school is well-positioned to build on its successes. The inspection findings highlight the dedication of the staff and leadership team to providing a high-quality education and a supportive environment for all pupils.