Partney Church of England Aided Primary School received a good rating in its recent inspection conducted on June 19-20, 2019. The school has shown significant improvement since its previous inspection, where it was rated as requiring improvement. The leadership and management of the school have been proactive in addressing the recommendations from the last inspection, resulting in enhanced teaching quality across all year groups. The middle leadership has also seen notable improvements, with leaders demonstrating a strong capacity for sustained progress.
Teachers at the school maintain high expectations for their pupils and effectively utilize questioning and assessment to guide students in improving their work. The quality of work in pupils' books is commendable, reflecting their pride in their achievements and positive attitudes towards learning. Pupils exhibit calm and orderly behavior in lessons and throughout the school, fostering strong relationships, particularly with older pupils supporting younger ones. The school has effective safeguarding measures in place, with pupils demonstrating a mature understanding of bullying and personal safety.
The early years provision is strong, ensuring that children are well-prepared for Year 1. In Key Stage 2, writing progress has steadily improved over the past three years, while reading progress has remained in line with national averages. However, mathematics progress has fluctuated and is not as strong as in reading and writing. Despite this, current assessments indicate that improved teaching is positively impacting standards across the school. Some areas of the curriculum still require better sequencing to help pupils consolidate and deepen their understanding, and leaders are actively working on revising the curriculum.
To further improve, the school aims to enhance the quality of leadership and management by ensuring that curriculum plans effectively support pupils in deepening their knowledge and skills through well-sequenced activities. Additionally, the school seeks to embed recent improvements in mathematics teaching to achieve better progress and higher attainment at the end of Key Stages 1 and 2.
Governance has significantly improved since the last inspection, with governors feeling well-equipped to support the school’s improvement efforts. They conduct regular monitoring visits and use their findings to hold leaders accountable for the school’s performance. The school effectively utilizes additional funding for disadvantaged pupils, ensuring that their learning and welfare needs are met.
Pupils' personal development and welfare are well-promoted, with opportunities for them to take on responsibilities such as participating in the school council and supporting younger pupils. The school environment encourages positive social interactions and physical fitness through well-equipped outdoor spaces. Pupils demonstrate good behavior, treating others with kindness and respect, and incidents of bullying are rare.
Overall, the school’s latest assessments indicate that pupils are making strong progress in reading and writing, with disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs making increasingly strong progress. The school is committed to ensuring that all pupils achieve their potential, and the positive impact of improved teaching is evident throughout the school. The early years provision is effective, with children making strong progress and being well-supported in their transition to school. Parents express confidence in the staff and appreciate the care and teaching their children receive.