Caister Junior School, located in Caister-on-Sea, Norfolk, has been recognized as a good school following its inspection on July 9 and 10, 2024. The school fosters an environment where pupils are confident, respectful, and engaged citizens. They are encouraged to embrace diversity and inclusivity, understanding the importance of kindness and the rejection of derogatory language. During break times, pupils interact positively, contributing to a happy and safe atmosphere. The school acknowledges the challenges faced by many families and offers a wide range of clubs, visits, and trips that enhance the educational experience. Activities such as residential trips, abseiling, and rock climbing help build character and confidence among pupils.
The school effectively supports pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), ensuring they receive the necessary assistance. Some pupils benefit from learning in a small group setting known as The Hive, which provides a calm environment with minimal distractions. Clear expectations for behavior are established, promoting a culture of being ready, respectful, and safe. The school celebrates pupils' achievements, motivating them to focus on their learning and perform well academically.
Caister Junior School offers a rich and broad curriculum that outlines what pupils will learn and when. Lessons are structured with familiar routines, and teachers present information clearly while checking for understanding. This approach has led to strong achievements in mathematics. Although there was a decline in performance in multiplication checks last year, the school has implemented daily practice to improve pupils' confidence and fluency in mathematical concepts. However, in some subjects, the curriculum's sequencing does not always facilitate connections with prior knowledge, which can hinder pupils' preparedness for new learning.
Pupils in the early stages of reading receive additional support to help them become confident readers. The school has chosen engaging books that promote empathy and discussion about social and moral issues, fostering a passion for reading. Nonetheless, there are instances where spelling and punctuation in pupils' writing are not consistently checked, making it difficult to read and understand their work.
The school has a shared understanding of behavior and relationships policies, resulting in positive commitment to lessons and respectful behavior during breaks. Attendance is closely monitored, and effective support is provided to improve attendance rates where necessary. The curriculum extends beyond academics, with trips and visits enriching the learning experience. Activities such as beach days teach pupils about their local environment and water safety, while clubs like cooking and sewing broaden their interests.
Leadership at Caister Junior School is effective, with leaders engaging well with staff and reducing workload without compromising educational quality. Governors are well-informed and make decisions in the best interests of pupils. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring a safe environment for all students.
To improve, the school should focus on enhancing the curriculum's sequencing to help pupils make better connections in their learning. Additionally, establishing consistent expectations for written work across subjects will help improve the quality of pupils' writing and ensure they can express their thoughts more clearly. Overall, Caister Junior School continues to provide a supportive and enriching educational experience for its pupils.