Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Reedham Primary School on June 5, 2019, following its previous judgment of good in July 2015. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. The leadership team has effectively addressed areas for improvement identified in the last inspection, particularly in supporting the most able pupils in writing. Strategies such as the introduction of a school newspaper have fostered pride among pupils in their contributions. The school has developed a caring ethos that prioritizes the individual needs of each pupil, ensuring they make good progress across all subjects while also focusing on their emotional well-being.
Parents and staff express overwhelming support for the school, highlighting the dedication of the teaching staff in meeting educational needs and providing support during personal challenges. The school’s self-evaluation is accurate, and leaders set challenging targets, ensuring staff receive the necessary support and training for improvement. Governors are actively involved, providing appropriate challenge and support, and they regularly visit the school to monitor progress.
Pupils benefit from a diverse curriculum that includes engaging topics, such as Ancient Egypt, which enhances their writing and understanding of archaeology. The school has successfully created a culture where pupils enjoy reading, with strong progress noted across all key stages. Reading is prioritized, with opportunities for shared and guided reading, and the refurbishment of the library has created a welcoming space for quiet reading.
The school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including competitive sports and residential experiences, which contribute to pupils' overall development. Safeguarding measures are effective, with appropriate checks in place for staff and volunteers, ensuring a safe environment for children. Attendance rates are above the national average, reflecting pupils' enjoyment of school and the engaging lessons provided.
The inspection focused on two key areas: the progress in mathematics during key stage 2 and the quality of reading provision. Leaders have responded to previous concerns regarding mathematics by implementing a new calculations policy and providing staff with training and resources to enhance teaching practices. There is a consistent approach to mathematics across all classes, which has strengthened pupils' learning experiences.
In terms of reading, the school has successfully fostered a love of reading among pupils, with every Year 6 pupil achieving the expected standard last year. The emphasis on reading comprehension and paired learning between older and younger pupils has further supported this initiative. The school actively involves parents in understanding its reading approach, enhancing the overall reading culture.
Next steps for the school include continuing to develop pupils' mathematical fluency, providing more opportunities for problem-solving and reasoning, and strengthening their knowledge of mathematical language. The inspection findings indicate that Reedham Primary School is committed to ongoing improvement and maintaining high standards in education, ensuring that all pupils thrive in a supportive and nurturing environment.