Ormesby Village Junior School, located in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, has been recognized for its significant improvements since the last inspection. The school has established a caring community where pupils from diverse backgrounds make good progress. Leadership and management are effective, with leaders and governors having a clear understanding of the school's strengths and areas for improvement. They implement well-focused development plans that are regularly reviewed, ensuring that teaching quality continues to enhance, particularly in English and mathematics. The school has high aspirations for all pupils, accurately assessing their learning and progress to hold teachers accountable.
The quality of teaching, learning, and assessment is generally good across most subjects. Teachers demonstrate strong subject knowledge, particularly in English and mathematics, which engages pupils and fosters their interest in learning. Effective use of assessment information allows teachers to tailor learning activities to meet pupils' needs, leading to good progress. The teaching of reading is particularly strong, with pupils applying their skills across the curriculum. However, there are areas for improvement in science and some foundation subjects, where the quality of teaching is variable, impacting pupils' attainment.
Pupils' personal development, behavior, and welfare are also good. They enjoy school and demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning, often taking on responsibilities such as participating in the student council and leading community activities. The school has successfully improved behavior over the past year, with pupils treating each other and staff with respect. Instances of bullying are rare, and when they occur, they are dealt with effectively. The school provides strong support for pupils with social, emotional, and mental health needs, helping them to make good progress.
Attendance has improved significantly, aligning with national averages, due to leaders' efforts to enhance attendance rates. The school promotes a broad and balanced curriculum, providing opportunities for pupils to develop their skills across various subjects. However, outcomes in science and some foundation subjects do not match the high standards achieved in English and mathematics, indicating a need for further development in these areas.
Governance is strong, with governors actively supporting and challenging school leaders to ensure continued improvement. They monitor the use of pupil premium funding effectively, ensuring that disadvantaged pupils achieve well. Safeguarding arrangements are robust, with staff trained to recognize and respond to safeguarding concerns promptly.
Overall, Ormesby Village Junior School is a good school that has made notable progress since its last inspection. The leadership team is committed to further enhancing the quality of education, particularly in areas where improvements are needed. The school provides a supportive environment where pupils can thrive academically and personally, preparing them well for their future education.