Harpley CofE VC Primary School is recognized as a good school, providing a nurturing environment that fosters happiness among its pupils. The school is small, which allows for a close-knit community where students look after one another. Pupils express enthusiasm for learning, as evidenced by their excitement for performances and school trips. The positive atmosphere is complemented by good behavior, with older students taking on responsibilities such as reading to younger peers. The school promotes kindness, resulting in rare instances of bullying, and parents appreciate the ethos of striving for personal bests.
The school excels in its reading program, where staff effectively support pupils in their literacy development. They quickly identify when a student struggles and employ various strategies to engage them with reading materials. The phonics program is well-structured, enabling pupils to learn to read efficiently. Students enjoy a diverse range of texts, and discussions about literature are animated and detailed. Mathematics instruction is equally strong, with a carefully sequenced curriculum that builds a solid foundation for younger students and prepares them for more complex concepts in later years. Staff emphasize accuracy and fluency, regularly revisiting content to reinforce understanding.
In addition to reading and mathematics, the school offers a broad and quality curriculum across various subjects. Science education is well-planned, ensuring that pupils build their scientific knowledge progressively. In physical education, students develop skills across a range of sports, and they have opportunities to learn modern foreign languages such as Spanish and French. However, some subjects, including computing, art, and history, are in the early stages of implementation, and new curriculum leaders have yet to assess the quality of their delivery.
Pupils with special educational needs and disabilities are well-supported, accessing the same curriculum as their peers. Staff collaborate to determine the best strategies for individual students, ensuring that those awaiting diagnoses receive necessary support. Early identification of needs begins in the early years, with staff monitoring children's communication and social skills closely. The school provides access to speech and language therapy when needed, and younger pupils quickly adapt to classroom routines, benefiting from positive role models among older students.
The school's safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to recognize and address concerns promptly. They maintain organized records and collaborate with families and external agencies to provide appropriate support. Pupils feel safe and are knowledgeable about online safety and personal health education.
To improve, the school needs to ensure that all subject areas are delivered effectively, particularly those in the early stages of development. Leaders should monitor the implementation of new curriculum plans to guarantee that pupils receive a well-rounded education. Additionally, governors must closely oversee curriculum development in foundation subjects to assess the impact of leadership actions on educational quality. Overall, Harpley CofE VC Primary School continues to provide a supportive and engaging learning environment, with clear areas for growth to enhance its educational offerings further.