Ofsted conducted a short inspection of Brooke Voluntary Controlled Church of England Primary School on 27 June 2018, following its previous judgment of good in April 2014. The inspection confirmed that the school continues to maintain a good quality of education. Despite experiencing instability in leadership over the past 18 months, the school has not allowed educational standards to decline. In fact, outcomes have improved, particularly in early years and phonics, where results exceed national averages. The new headteacher, who had only recently taken up the post, has worked closely with governors, staff, and the local authority to ensure high expectations are embedded throughout the school.
The school environment is positive and nurturing, fostering pupil well-being and safety. Parents express high levels of satisfaction with the care and support their children receive, as well as the quality of education. They appreciate the headteacher's welcoming and approachable demeanor. Pupils report feeling happy and safe, engaging well in lessons and collaborating effectively with peers. They have expressed a desire for more group work opportunities, which the headteacher has recognized as an area for development.
While the school has maintained its overall performance, some progress on previously identified issues has been slower due to the lack of a substantive headteacher for an extended period. Writing skills among pupils require further development, and the challenge level for the most able pupils remains inconsistent. The leadership team is aware of these areas needing improvement and has accurately assessed the school's strengths and weaknesses. Improvement plans are focused on the right areas and outline a clear course of action.
Governors demonstrate a strong understanding of the school's performance and are ambitious for its continued improvement. They have been actively involved in the school's operations, providing consistent leadership during the absence of a substantive headteacher. Staff members feel well-supported and take pride in their work at Brooke.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with comprehensive procedures in place to ensure pupil safety. Staff are well-trained and vigilant, promptly addressing any concerns regarding pupil well-being. The school works closely with families to minimize absences, resulting in very few pupils being persistently absent. Pre-employment checks for all adults in the school are thorough, ensuring a safe environment for children.
The inspection focused on the development of writing skills in key stage two, particularly for middle-ability pupils, as well as the challenge provided to the most able pupils in mathematics. While pupils are taught a range of English language skills effectively, they do not have enough opportunities to produce longer pieces of writing across the curriculum. The school has recognized the need to improve writing quality and has seen some high-quality examples, particularly from the most able pupils.
In mathematics, there is potential for the most able pupils to make even more progress, especially in reasoning and investigative work. The early years provision is strong, with children engaged in practical activities that promote their learning. The school is also working on improving assessment practices to ensure accurate tracking of pupil progress.
Next steps for the school include providing pupils with more opportunities to apply their English skills in writing across subjects, challenging the most able pupils in mathematics, and enhancing pupil voice in decision-making. The school is committed to addressing these areas for development to ensure continued improvement in educational outcomes.