Clifton Green Primary School is a large and inclusive institution located in York, North Yorkshire. The school has undergone significant improvements since its previous inspection, which rated it as requiring improvement. The recent inspection in May 2022 resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good, with specific areas such as personal development being rated as outstanding. The leadership team, including the headteacher, has demonstrated a strong commitment to fostering a positive school environment where every pupil feels valued and supported. The school’s ethos, encapsulated in the motto Better never stops, reflects a dedication to continuous improvement and high standards.
Parents and carers express overwhelming support for the school, highlighting the exceptional support provided by staff. Pupils report feeling safe and secure, with bullying being described as rare. The school has established effective systems for addressing any concerns pupils may have, ensuring they know whom to approach for help. The leadership's focus on personal development is evident, with a strong emphasis on cultivating good character traits among pupils. This commitment to fairness and respect fosters a positive atmosphere where pupils are encouraged to do their best.
The quality of education at Clifton Green is also commendable. Teachers are ambitious for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. The school provides well-planned support and interventions, enabling all pupils to access the curriculum effectively. The curriculum is broad and varied, allowing pupils to develop a solid understanding of core subjects. However, there are some areas where the curriculum could be better sequenced to enhance pupils' retention of important knowledge. In a few subjects, pupils struggle to recall and apply what they have learned, indicating a need for further refinement in curriculum design.
Pupils exhibit positive attitudes towards their learning, particularly in mathematics and reading. The school has implemented a strong phonics program, ensuring that all staff are well-trained to support pupils in developing their reading skills. Daily reading sessions and a carefully selected range of books encourage a love of reading among pupils. In mathematics, the curriculum has been redesigned to provide engaging and challenging activities that promote deeper understanding.
Despite the many strengths of the school, attendance remains a concern. While there are robust systems in place to monitor and improve attendance, the rates for some pupils are still too low. Leaders are encouraged to raise expectations regarding attendance and to intervene promptly when issues arise. Governance at the school is strong, with governors actively involved in monitoring the school's performance and safeguarding practices.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, with well-trained staff who are vigilant in identifying and reporting concerns. Pupils feel safe and trust the adults in the school to protect them. The curriculum includes important lessons on online safety and community awareness, equipping pupils with the knowledge they need to navigate potential risks.
Overall, Clifton Green Primary School has made significant strides in improving its educational offerings and fostering a supportive community. The leadership team is dedicated to ensuring that all pupils receive a high-quality education and develop into well-rounded individuals. Continued focus on refining the curriculum and improving attendance will further enhance the school's effectiveness and the experiences of its pupils.