Reeth Community Primary School has been recognized as a good school, continuing to provide a nurturing and supportive environment for its pupils. The school is characterized by its commitment to high aspirations for all students, with leaders, governors, and staff working collaboratively to foster a culture of love, hope, kindness, and peace. The curriculum is thoughtfully designed to reflect the local area and to help pupils understand life in modern Britain. Students have access to a variety of enriching experiences, including a fell running club and educational visits, such as a recent trip to Edinburgh for key stage 1 pupils.
Pupil behavior at Reeth is exemplary, with students demonstrating kindness and respect towards both staff and peers. They engage positively with one another from an early age, contributing to a safe and welcoming atmosphere. The school has a strong anti-bullying culture, with students feeling confident that they can seek support from trusted adults if needed. Parents express overwhelming satisfaction with the school, highlighting the holistic approach to education and the progress their children make.
The school excels in its ambitious curriculum, which is tailored to meet the needs of mixed-age classes. Subject leaders have developed comprehensive plans that ensure pupils build knowledge and skills progressively. In subjects like art and design, students explore a diverse range of artists and develop their skills over time. Mathematics instruction is particularly strong, with pupils regularly revisiting key concepts and demonstrating confidence in their learning.
Early reading is prioritized, with staff receiving training to ensure effective phonics teaching. This consistency allows pupils to read unfamiliar words with confidence, and they show enthusiasm for reading across all key stages. The school promotes a love of literature through initiatives like reading trees and reading ambassadors, encouraging students to explore various genres and authors.
Inclusion is a key strength of Reeth Community Primary School, with effective support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. The school ensures that all students have access to the full curriculum, although there is room for improvement in the precise identification of needs and support strategies for some pupils.
The school environment is calm and orderly, with clear routines established from early years through to key stage 2. Beyond academics, the school offers a wide range of extracurricular activities, including popular clubs for fell running and mountain biking. Educational visits are integrated into the curriculum, providing students with opportunities to learn about diverse topics, including city life and different cultures.
Staff morale is high, with a collaborative culture evident across the federation of schools. Leaders consider staff workload and well-being in their decision-making processes, contributing to a positive working environment.
Safeguarding measures are effective, with pupils feeling safe and supported. The designated safeguarding lead is well-informed about the school community and maintains thorough records. Staff training ensures that concerns are escalated appropriately, although there is a need for greater awareness of local issues that may affect pupils.
Overall, Reeth Community Primary School demonstrates a strong commitment to providing a high-quality education, fostering a supportive community, and ensuring the well-being of its pupils. While there are areas for improvement, particularly in the support for pupils with special educational needs, the school remains a positive and enriching place for learning.