Northstead Community Primary School in Scarborough, North Yorkshire, was inspected on 20 and 21 February 2024. The overall effectiveness of the school is rated as requiring improvement, with the quality of education also marked as requiring improvement. However, the school demonstrates good standards in behavior and attitudes, personal development, and early years provision. Leadership and management are identified as areas needing improvement, reflecting the challenges the school faces in achieving its educational goals.
Pupils at Northstead are described as happy, well-cared for, and proud to attend the school. They exhibit politeness, friendliness, and eloquence, fostering positive relationships with adults and peers. The school has made significant strides in improving behavior, with pupils understanding the expectations set by the leadership. Incidents of bullying are rare, and staff are proactive in addressing any issues that arise. The school provides effective pastoral support, ensuring pupils feel safe and supported.
While leaders have high expectations for pupil achievement, there are areas where these expectations are not being met. Some pupils do not achieve as well as they should, and certain subject curriculums require further development. The school has a strong focus on early years education, emphasizing communication and language skills through play-based learning. Phonics teaching is effective, preparing children well for future learning.
The school has recently reviewed its wider curriculum, with leaders beginning to tailor it to the local context. Pupils express enthusiasm for their lessons, particularly in science, where they engage in hands-on experiments. However, some subject curriculums lack clarity in identifying key knowledge, which hinders cumulative learning. Assessment practices in certain subjects are not effectively addressing gaps in pupils' knowledge, impacting their overall achievement and readiness for the next stage of education.
Pupils enjoy attending school and demonstrate positive attitudes towards their learning. They understand the behavior management system and respond well to the school's high expectations. Attendance is monitored closely, but persistent absence remains a concern for some groups, leading to missed learning opportunities. Pupils with leadership roles contribute positively to the school community, promoting positive interactions among peers.
The new leadership team has made commendable efforts in a short time, aiming to provide quality education for all pupils. However, the consistency of this ambition is still a work in progress. Subject leadership is not yet secure in all areas, affecting the quality of education provided. Governors are well-informed and actively hold leaders accountable for their performance. The well-being of staff is prioritized, reflecting a supportive school environment.
Safeguarding arrangements are effective, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils. The school is committed to addressing the identified areas for improvement, particularly in curriculum development and assessment practices. By focusing on these priorities, Northstead Community Primary School aims to enhance pupil outcomes and align achievements with the high expectations set by its leadership. The school community is encouraged to engage in the ongoing development process to ensure that all pupils are well-prepared for their future educational journeys.