Ingleton Primary School, located in Carnforth, Lancashire, has been assessed as a good school following its inspection on January 29 and 30, 2020. The school fosters an environment where pupils thrive both personally and socially, promoting respect and open-mindedness. Students have ample opportunities to engage in activities beyond the classroom, such as gardening, sports, and cooking, which contribute to their overall development. The behavior of pupils is commendable, with staff effectively managing minor conflicts and addressing rare instances of bullying promptly.
Despite the positive aspects, the school has faced challenges in mathematics, where many pupils have not made the expected progress in recent years. However, improvements in the curriculum and teaching methods are beginning to yield better outcomes in this subject. The motivation to read is strong among pupils, with most enjoying reading activities. While younger children generally achieve good standards in reading, there are concerns regarding the support provided to the weakest readers, who do not catch up as quickly as needed.
The curriculum at Ingleton Primary School covers a wide range of subjects, with physical education being particularly well-structured. Pupils engage in various sports and dance styles, achieving notable success in PE. However, progress in other subjects varies, and there is a lack of clarity among leaders and teachers regarding specific learning objectives and timelines, which hampers pupils' progress in subjects like science, history, and geography.
Since the last inspection, there has been a decline in pupils' progress and attainment in mathematics. Recent efforts by school leaders to review and enhance the mathematics curriculum have led to more effective planning for mixed-age classes. Teachers are now focusing on ensuring that pupils fully grasp concepts before advancing to new material, with regular checks on understanding. This approach has resulted in improved progress in mathematics.
The PE curriculum is designed to build knowledge and skills incrementally, with specialist teachers guiding lessons that allow pupils to build on prior achievements. Pupils participate in inter-school competitions and clubs, contributing to their strong progress in physical education. Additionally, the school has implemented various activities and incentives to promote reading, which has proven effective, as many pupils express enthusiasm for their favorite books and authors.
However, challenges remain in the teaching of early reading, with a significant number of pupils not reaching the expected standard by the end of Year 1. The phonics program and additional support for struggling readers require enhancement to ensure these pupils can catch up effectively. Furthermore, the reading materials provided do not adequately support the development of fluency and confidence among the weakest readers.
In subjects like science, history, and geography, while pupils enjoy engaging activities and field trips, the curriculum planning lacks the specificity seen in mathematics and PE. Leaders need to refine the curriculum intent for these subjects to ensure a coherent and incremental learning journey for pupils.
The school has cultivated a positive atmosphere where pupils behave well throughout the day, and parents generally report satisfaction with the school's handling of bullying. However, the rate of persistent absence among pupils is a concern that requires attention. Leaders are encouraged to review policies regarding attendance to improve this situation.
Overall, Ingleton Primary School demonstrates a commitment to providing a good education, with areas identified for improvement to enhance the learning experience for all pupils. The school is well-positioned to build on its strengths while addressing the challenges it faces in specific areas of the curriculum and pupil attendance.