Sherburn in Elmet, Athelstan Community Primary School has been rated as good in overall effectiveness, quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, and leadership and management, with outstanding early years provision. The school is committed to its vision of helping pupils to be the best they can be, which is evident in the high expectations set by leaders and staff for both learning and behaviour. The school environment is bright and stimulating, with well-planned displays that showcase pupils' work and support their learning. High-quality resources are readily available, complementing the strong routines that pupils are accustomed to.
The care provided by staff is highly regarded by parents, and pupils feel safe and confident that any issues will be addressed. Instances of bullying are rare, and pupils are aware of how to seek help if needed. Behaviour throughout the school is calm and purposeful, with pupils understanding the importance of kindness, tolerance, honesty, and respect. These values are consistently reinforced by adults, and pupils are motivated to demonstrate these attributes, often rewarded for their efforts.
Leaders have a clear vision for the curriculum, which is ambitious and designed with the youngest children in mind. The early years curriculum effectively prepares children for their next stage of education, ensuring they are ready for Year 1 and beyond. Teachers are adept at addressing gaps in pupils' knowledge, particularly in English, mathematics, and science, leading to good progress. Regular checks are conducted to ensure pupils retain what they have learned.
Subject leaders possess strong knowledge of their areas and have carefully considered the curriculum's design to build on prior learning. Support for staff is provided through coaching and mentoring, ensuring effective teaching across subjects. While the foundation subjects are in the early stages of implementation, there is a clear commitment to developing these areas.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities are identified early, and focused support is provided in collaboration with various agencies. Phonics instruction is effective, with pupils reading books that match their abilities. Additional support is promptly provided when needed, allowing pupils to develop confidence and fluency in reading. The school has invested in high-quality reading materials, emphasizing the importance of reading in the curriculum.
The early years curriculum is exceptionally well thought out, engaging children and inspiring them to learn. Staff are skilled in fostering independence and positive relationships among children. The behaviour policy is clear and understood by all, with a reward scheme that encourages collaboration among pupils.
Leaders have developed a high-quality personal development programme tailored to meet pupils' needs. Older pupils are given opportunities to take on responsibilities, while younger pupils have limited chances to engage in similar roles. There is a need for more opportunities for all pupils to contribute to school life and develop as active citizens.
Staff are well supported, with effective workload management allowing them to focus on impactful tasks. Governors have established processes to understand the school's strengths and weaknesses, providing effective challenge and support to school leaders.
The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with comprehensive procedures in place to ensure pupil safety. Staff receive regular training and updates on safeguarding issues, and pupils know they can approach trusted adults with concerns. The school promotes online safety and encourages pupils to discuss safe practices.
To improve, leaders should ensure the new curriculum plans for foundation subjects are fully embedded to enhance pupils' learning. Additionally, providing more opportunities for younger pupils to take on responsibilities will help them become active contributors to the school community.