The New Bewerley Community Primary School in Leeds has been inspected, and the overall effectiveness has been rated as requiring improvement. The school is recognized as a caring and welcoming environment that values all pupils. Leaders have high expectations and are committed to the well-being of students. However, there is a need for further development to ensure that pupils achieve ambitious outcomes that prepare them adequately for their future education. The school emphasizes a collaborative approach to leadership, driven by core values that promote community engagement and inclusivity.
Pupils at the school are described as curious and polite, eager to learn and succeed. The school effectively meets the needs of students with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring that they can access the full curriculum. Behaviour is generally good, with a consistent approach to supporting pupils who may struggle with the school’s rules. The school has made strides in developing its curriculum, although some subjects are still in the early stages of improvement. While progress has been made in areas like early reading and art, other subjects, particularly mathematics, require more attention to ensure that pupils can articulate their learning effectively.
Reading is prioritized from the reception class, with a well-implemented phonics scheme that aligns with the sounds children are learning. Daily reading sessions in key stages one and two are engaging for pupils, who can discuss the texts they are reading with confidence. In subjects like physical education and art, pupils express enthusiasm and enjoyment in their learning experiences. However, the school’s methods for assessing pupils’ understanding across various subjects are inconsistent, leading to gaps in knowledge that are not addressed promptly.
Pupils with special educational needs receive appropriate support, allowing them to participate fully in school life. The school offers a range of extracurricular activities, including art, music, drama, and sports, which are valued by both staff and pupils. Leadership opportunities are available for pupils, such as becoming diversity developers, which allows them to contribute to the school community actively.
Behaviour expectations are clear and consistently reinforced, with pupils feeling supported by staff. Despite efforts to improve attendance, persistent absence remains a concern, indicating a need for more effective strategies to engage families and improve overall attendance rates. The early years provision is noted for its stimulating environment, fostering rich interactions between children and adults.
Leadership at the school is proactive in managing staff workload and ensuring that the governing body provides support and challenge. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective, contributing to a safe learning environment. To improve, the school must focus on enhancing the mathematics curriculum to ensure that pupils build their knowledge over time and address gaps in understanding more effectively. Additionally, the school needs to work closely with families to improve attendance rates, ensuring that all pupils have the opportunity to benefit from their education fully. Overall, while the school has strengths in various areas, there are clear areas for development that need to be addressed to enhance the educational experience for all pupils.