Syresham St James CofE Primary School and Nursery is recognized as a good school, as confirmed by the inspection conducted on December 6, 2022. The school is characterized by a strong sense of community, where pupils, parents, and staff describe it as a family. The pupils exhibit respect and kindness towards one another, demonstrating good behavior and a focus on learning in calm classrooms. They express feelings of safety and report that bullying is rare, with confidence that any incidents would be addressed promptly. The school has established effective channels for pupils to voice concerns, including the use of ‘worry monsters’ to facilitate communication with adults.
High expectations are set for all pupils, and the curriculum is designed to cater to their needs, ensuring that all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, have access to the same learning opportunities. Leadership encourages pupils to take on leadership roles, such as head boy and girl, school council members, and house captains. Older pupils also serve as buddies for younger children, fostering a supportive environment.
The school benefits from the support of the Warriner Trust, which has helped develop a well-structured curriculum. Subject leaders have identified key knowledge for pupils to learn over time and have organized the sequence of learning effectively. Teachers utilize their subject knowledge to explain concepts clearly and adapt their teaching to address misconceptions. Pupils appreciate the support they receive, particularly through resources like the ‘purple book’ that aids in correcting mistakes and enhancing understanding.
Reading is prioritized within the school, with staff well-trained in phonics instruction. Early identification of pupils' learning needs ensures that those who struggle receive timely support. Reading materials are appropriately matched to pupils' abilities, and there is a culture of sharing book recommendations among peers. Storytime is a cherished activity for both pupils and staff.
The early years environment is engaging and nurturing, with adults fostering strong relationships with children. However, there is recognition that the curriculum sequence in the Nursery requires further development to better prepare children for Reception. The school has previously offered a variety of extracurricular activities, but opportunities have been limited since the COVID-19 pandemic, and leaders are encouraged to expand these offerings.
Pupils with special educational needs are well supported, with staff effectively identifying their needs and ensuring they learn the same curriculum as their peers. Parents have expressed appreciation for the support their children receive. The school promotes understanding of equality and fundamental British values, helping pupils become responsible members of their community.
Governors are actively involved in the school, staying informed and supporting staff, who feel valued and appreciated for their contributions. The safeguarding arrangements are effective, with strong relationships built on mutual respect. Staff are trained to recognize warning signs of danger and respond appropriately, maintaining thorough records and collaborating with external organizations when necessary.
To improve, the school needs to enhance the curriculum sequencing in the Nursery and ensure that the key knowledge for children is clearly defined. Additionally, the variety of extracurricular experiences should be broadened to provide pupils with a wider range of opportunities for personal development. Overall, Syresham St James CofE Primary School and Nursery continues to provide a supportive and effective learning environment for its pupils.