Shilbottle Primary School is a small, inclusive village school located in Northumberland. The recent inspection conducted on January 24 and 25, 2023, resulted in an overall effectiveness rating of good, reflecting significant improvements since the previous inspection, which rated the school as requiring improvement. The school is characterized by a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, with strong relationships between staff, pupils, and their families. Parents express high levels of satisfaction, noting that their children are happy, supported, and well cared for.
The leadership team has faced challenges, including staff reductions and a declining student roll, yet they remain committed to the vision that every child matters. They are ambitious for all pupils and are actively working to enhance the curriculum. Pupils take pride in their school and respond positively to the high expectations set by leaders. The school effectively supports all pupils, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, ensuring they achieve well both socially and academically.
Behaviour at Shilbottle Primary is exemplary, with classrooms described as calm and focused. Pupils engage enthusiastically in their learning and demonstrate consideration and respect towards one another. The nurturing environment fosters a sense of safety and support, with pupils confident that any issues, including bullying, would be promptly addressed by staff.
The quality of education has improved significantly, with a strong emphasis on reading. From the start of Reception, children are taught phonics, and staff effectively develop early reading skills. Pupils are encouraged to read books that align with their phonics knowledge, and those who struggle receive timely support. The school promotes a love of reading through daily reading sessions and regular library visits.
Mathematics is taught effectively, with teachers using various resources to illustrate concepts clearly. Regular assessments help ensure pupils grasp new learning, and they are given opportunities to revisit and consolidate their understanding. The curriculum is broad and balanced, enriched by various experiences and visits, although some subjects require further development to clarify learning objectives and ensure consistent progression.
The early years curriculum is well-structured and ambitious, providing a supportive environment that fosters curiosity and engagement. Staff are dedicated to preparing children for their future learning. The school is committed to ensuring that pupils with special educational needs achieve alongside their peers, with staff adept at identifying needs and providing appropriate support.
Pupils' personal development is a strong focus, with staff helping them become respectful and responsible citizens. The personal, social, and health education curriculum broadens their understanding of the world, promoting respect for diversity. Enrichment activities, including residential trips and after-school clubs, contribute to pupils' confidence and personal growth.
Governors play an active role in the school, frequently visiting and providing informed support and challenge to leaders. The school environment is one where staff feel valued and appreciated, contributing to a positive workplace culture. Safeguarding arrangements are effective, with staff trained to recognize and respond to concerns, ensuring the safety and well-being of all pupils.
While the school has made significant strides, there are areas for improvement, particularly in developing the curriculum for foundation subjects. Leaders must ensure that the skills and knowledge pupils need to learn are clearly defined, enabling teachers to deliver effective instruction. Overall, Shilbottle Primary School demonstrates a strong commitment to providing a high-quality education and fostering a supportive community for its pupils.